This bibliography includes primary source texts relevant to the literary, historical, cultural, and religious milieu of Lollardy as well as those specifically by and about Lollard writers–and so, it is also a good place to start for work on later medieval religious culture in England at large. Inclusion on this list, therefore, does not necessarily mean that a text is Lollard.
This list is lightly annotated. For more help, Pitard, “A Selected Bibliography for Lollard Studies” (listed below under “Bibliographies and Indices”) gives brief summaries of areas of relevant scholarship.
Users should note that despite many of the titles, few scholars today believe that any extant English text can be ascribed to Wyclif’s hand, including the Bible translation. There are Middle English translations of some of his Latin works, but no-one knows for sure who did these. Virtually all Middle English Wycliffite texts remain anonymous.
The Bibliography of Primary Sources contains five sections:
- Bibliographies and Indices,
- Chronicles, and Ecclesiastical and State Records,
- Religious and Devotional Texts,
- The Works of John Wyclif,
- The Works of Jan Hus, and Other Texts Related to Hussitism.
Dissertations and theses are included under whatever category their content might belong. Manuscripts are not included; for these, see Severs and Hartung (below, under Bibliographies and Indices), with the necessary addendum to this list provided by Hudson, “Additions and Modifications” (also listed under Bibliographies).
Full copies of some out-of-copyright texts can now be downloaded directly from this list. Look for the (.pdf) icon. Sizes of downloads are given in megabytes (mb) at the end of the entry. These have been bookmarked and reviewed for completeness.
Also see the list of Article Collections (to which essays on this list are now linked) and the Bibliography of Secondary Sources. Since these bibliographies are meant to be complete listings of texts and studies relevant to Wycliffism, please let us know of any new references which should be included.
Baker, Derek, ed. The Bibliography of the Reform 1450-1648 Relating to the United Kingdom for the Years 1955-1970. Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1975.
Bale, John. Scriptorum Illustrium Maioris Brytanniae . . . Catalogus. Basle, 1557-59. Facs. Westmead: Gregg, 1971.
—. Index Britanniae Scriptorum. Ed. Reginald L. Poole and Mary Bateson. Oxford: Clarendon, 1902. Rpt. Woodbridge: D.S. Brewer, 1990. [ Bale’s Index (11 mb)]
Bray, Gerald. Guide to the Sources of David Wilkins’ Concilia Magnae Britanniae et Hiberniae (1737): Together with an Index to the Acts of the Convocations of Canterbury, York and Ireland since 1313. Beeson Divinity School, 2000.
Clark, Linda, et al. “A Bibliography of the Published Writings of Margaret Aston.” Clark, Jurkowski, and Richmond 257-268.
Berkhout, Carl T. and Jeffrey B. Russell. Medieval Heresies: A Bibliography 1960-1979. Toronto: Pontifical Institute, 1981.
Edwards, A.S.G., gen. ed. Index of Middle English Prose. Handlists 1-20. Woodbridge: D.S. Brewer, 1984-2009.
Emden, A.B. A Biographical Register of the University of Oxford to A.D. 1500. 3 vols. Oxford: Clarendon P, 1957-59.
Erben, W., and A. Kern. “Johann Loserth als Geschichtsforscher: Eine Übersicht seiner wissenschaftliche Werke.” Zeitschrift des historischen Veriens für Steiermark 22 (1926): 3-28.
Guth, DeLloyd J. Late-Medieval England, 1377-1485. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1976.
—. “Fifteenth-Century England: Recent Scholarship and Future Directions.” British Studies Monitor 7 (1977): 3-50.
Graves, Edgar. A Bibliography of English History to 1485: Based on the Sources and Literature of English History from the Earliest Times to about 1485 by Charles Gross. Oxford: Clarendon P, 1975.
Gecheva, Krastina. Bogomilism: A Bibliography. Sofia: Editions Académiques, 1997. [In Bulgarian, though references are given in the language of origin.]
Haring, Nicholas, S.A.C. “Commentaries on the Pseudo-Athanasian Creed.” Mediaeval Studies 34 (1972): 208-252.
Hudson, Anne. “Additions and Modifications to a Bibliography of English Wycliffite Writings.” Hudson, Lollards and their Books 249-252.
Jolliffe, P.S. A Checklist of Middle English Prose Writings of Spiritual Guidance. Toronto: Pontifical Institute of Medieval Studies, 1974.
Kennedy, Arthur G. A Bibliography of Writings on the English Language, from the Beginning of Printing to the end of 1922. New York: Hafner, 1961. [See Tajima, below, for a continuation of this Bibliography.]
Kühn-Steinhausen, H. [I.H. Stein]. “Wyclif-Handschriften in Deutschland.” Zentralblatt für Bibliothekswesen 47 (Dec. 1930): 625-28.
Lester, G.A. “Unedited English Prose in Rylands Manuscripts.” Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 68.1 (1985): 135-60.
Lewis, R.E., et al. Index of Printed Middle English Prose. New York: Garland, 1985.
Lewis, R.E. and A. McIntosh. A Descriptive Guide to the Manuscripts of the Prick of Conscience. Medium Aevum Monographs 12 (1985).
Loserth, Johann. “Neuere Erscheinungen der Wiclif-Literatur.” Historische Zeitschrift 53 (1885): 43-62. [ HZ 1885 (>1 mb). Note that Loserth also published a number of studies that are included on the Bibliography of Secondary Sources.]
—. “Neuere Erscheinungen der Wiclif-Literatur.” Historische Zeitschrift 62 (1889): 266-78. [ HZ 1889 (1.4 mb)]
—. “Neue Erscheinungen der Wiclif-Literatur.” Historische Zeitschrift 95 (1905): 269-77. [A discussion of the new editions of De Civili Dominio and De Veritate Sacrae Scripturae. [ HZ 1905 (>1 mb)]
—. “Wyclifs Lehre vom wahren und faslchen Papsttum.” Historische Zeitschrift 96 (1907): 237-55. [A discussion of the new edition of De Potestate Pape. [ HZ 1907 (>1 mb)]
—. “Neuere Erscheinungen der Wiclif- und Huss-Literatur.” Historische Zeitschrift 116 (1916): 271-82. [A discussion of a series of recent publications, including his new edition of the Opera Minora. HZ 1916 (>1 mb)]
—. “Neuere Erscheinungen der Wiclif- und Huss-Literatur.” Zeitschrift des Vereins für Geschichte Mährens und Schlesiens 20 (1916): 258-71.
—. Shirley’s Catalogue of the Extant Latin Works of John Wyclif. London: Wyclif Society, 1924.
Malin, William Gunn. Catalogue of Books relating to . . . the Unitas Fratrum, or United Brethren, as Established in Bohemia and Moravia by Followers of John Huss . . . and now Generally Known as the Moravian Church. Philadelphia: Collins, 1881. [Sections 2, 3, and 4 list early works about Hus and the conflicts over Hussitism. Also see Zeman, below. Catalogue (5 mb)]
Molnár, Amadeo. “Recent Literature on Wyclif’s Theology.” Communio Viatorum 7 (1964): 186-92.
Morey, James H. Book and Verse: A Guide To Middle English Biblical Literature. Illinois Medieval Studies. Chicago: University of Illinois Press, 2000.
O’Mara, Veronica, and Suzanne Paul. A Repertorium of Middle English Prose Sermons. 4 vols. Turnhout: Brepols, 2008. [“Each entry contains a concise manuscript description, followed by a detailed analysis of each catalogued sermon under various headings, including authorship, occasion, summary of content, exempla, and biblical citations: the whole work is supported by an extensive set of indices.”]
Pitard, Derrick G. “A Selected Bibliography for Lollard Studies.” Somerset, Havens, and Pitard 251-319. [The published version contains 16 brief, bibiographical introductions to various aspects of Lollard studies.]
Revell, Peter. Fifteenth Century English Prayers and Meditations: A Descriptive List of Manuscripts in the British Library. London: Garland, 1975.
Rosenthal, Joel T. Late Medieval England (1377-1485): A Bibliography of Historical Scholarship, 1975-1989. Kalamazoo: Medieval Institute, 1994.
—. “Bibliography of English Scholarship: 1970-82: Part II—1307-1509.” Medieval Prosopography 4.2 (1983): 47-61.
Royal Historical Society. Writings on British History 1901-1933. Volume 2: The Middle Ages, 450-1485. New York: Barnes and Noble, 1968.
Severs, J. Burke, and Albert Hartung, gen. eds. A Manual of the Writings in Middle English 1050-1500. 9 vols. Connecticut: Archon Books, 1967-1993.
Sharpe, Richard. Index of Latin Writers of Great Britain and Ireland before 1540. Brepols: Journal of Medieval Latin, 1997.
Shirley, W.W. A Catalogue of the Original Works of John Wyclif. Oxford, 1865. [For a contemporary review see “Wiclif and his Works,” included on the Bibliography of Secondary Sources. Shirley’s Catalogue (1.4 mb)]
Smeeton, D.D. English Religion 1500-1540: A Bibliography. Macon, GA: Mercer UP, 1988.
Smith, David M. Guide to Bishop’s Registers of England and Wales. London: Royal Historical Society, 1981.
Somerset, Fiona, and Derrick Pitard. “Oxford Bibliographies in Medieval Studies: The Lollards and John Wyclif.” [A categorized and annotated list of about 150 important publications in the field.]
Tajima, Matsuji. Old and Middle English Language Studies: A Classified Bibliography 1923-1985. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 1988. [A continuation of Kennedy, above.]
Trudel, Guy. “A Bibliography of the Published Writings of Anne Hudson.” Barr and Hutchinson 407-14. [This lists Hudson’s writings up through 2004.]
Thomson, Williell R. The Latin Writings of John Wyclif. Subsidia Medievalia 14. Toronto: Pontifical Institute, 1983.
Vermaseren, B.A. “Nieuwe Studies over Wyclif en Huss.” Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis 76 (1963): 190-212.
Zeman, Jarold K. The Hussite Movement and the Reformation in Bohemia, Moravia, and Slovakia (1350-1650): A Bibliographical Study Guide. Ann Arbor: Michigan Slavic Publications, c. 1977.
Amundesham, J. Annales Monasterii Sancti Albani a Johanne Amundesham. Ed. H.T. Riley. 2 vols. Rolls Series 28.5. London, 1870. [Rolls Series 28 is the “Chronica Monasterii S. Albani”; for others, see below under Walsingham. There are actually two chronicles in these two volumes. The first, short one covers 1422-31; the second, by Amundesham, covers 1421-40. vol. 1 (10.9 mb);
vol. 2 (11 mb)]
The Anonimalle Chronicle, 1333-1381. Ed. V.H. Galbraith. Manchester: Manchester UP, 1970.
Bray, Gerald. The Anglican Canons, 1529-1947. Church of England Records, 6. Woodbridge: Boydell and Brewer, 1998.
Calendar of Plea and Memoranda Rolls Preserved among the Archives of the Corporation of the City of London at the Guildhall. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1926-1961.
Corpus Juris Canonici (1582). A complete early printed version, including Gratian’s Decretum (ca. 1140), Gregory IX’s Liber Extra (1234) and Boniface VIII’s Liber Sextus (1298) can be found on the UCLA website, here.
Dahmus, Joseph. The Metropolitan Visitations of William Courtenay, Archibishop of Canterbury, 1381-1396: Documents Transcribed from the Original Manuscripts of Courtenay’s Register. Urbana: U of Illinois P, 1950.
Embree, Dan. The Chronicles of Rome. Woodbridge: Boydell and Brewer, 1998. [Includes an edition of The Lollard Chronicle.]
Gage, John, ed. “Letters from King Henry VI to the Abbot of St. Edmundsbury, and to the Alderman and Bailiffs of the Town, for the Suppression of the Lollards.” Archaeologia 23 (1831): 339-43. [ Gage, “Letters” (>1 mb)]
Gesta Henrici Quinti: The Deeds of Henry V. Trans. with an intro. and notes by F. Taylor and J.S. Roskell. Oxford: Clarendon, 1975.
Given-Wilson, C., trans. and ed. Chronicles of the Revolution 1370-1400: The Reign of Richard II. New York: Manchester UP, 1993.
Hamilton, H.A., ed.Visitations in the Diocese of Lincoln, 1517-1531. 3 Vols. Lincoln Record Society, nos. 33, 35, 37. Lincoln, 1940-47.
Kingsford, Charles L., ed. Chronicles of London. Oxford: Clarendon P, 1905. [ Chronicles (15.7 mb)]
—, ed. Two London Chronicles from the Collections of John Stow. Camden Society, third series. Camden Miscellany, vol. 12. London: Camden Society, 1910. [This contains chronicles for the years 1523-1555 and 1547-1564. Two Chronicles (2.4 mb)]
Knighton, Henry. Chronicon Henrici Knighton. Ed. J.R. Lumby. Rolls Series 92. London, 1895. [Superseded by Martin’s edition, next.]
—. Chronica de Eventibus Angliae a tempore regis Edgari usque mortem regis Richardi Secundi. Ed. Geoffrey H. Martin. Oxford Medieval Texts. Oxford: Clarendon P, 1995. [This is Knighton’s Chronicle, in one volume, with facing Latin text and English translation.]
Lincoln Diocese Documents, 1450-1544. Ed. Andrew Clark. London: Kegan, Paul, 1914. [This is on line here at the Corpus of Middle English Prose and Verse. This is includes a number of relevant items. Item no. XI is a record of Proceedings in 1457 against William and Richard Sparke, of Huntingdonshire, for Lollardy; and Appendix V is a 1535 Proceeding against Ralph Clerk for speaking against transubstantiation.]
Lyndwood, William. Provinciale (seu Constitutiones Angliae) Continens Constitutiones Provinciales Quatordecim Archiepiscoporum Cant’ a Stephano Langtono ad Henricum Chichleium. Oxford, 1679. [Lyndwood originally published his gloss in 1422. For an introduction, see C.R. Cheney, “William Lyndwood’s Provinciale,” rpt. in Medieval Texts and Studies (Oxford: Clarendon, 1973): 158-83. On Google Books, here is this 1679 edition, the most often cited. His glosses to Arundel’s Constitutions begin on page 282. Here also is a 1525 edition, whose section on Arundel begins on fol. 207v.]
McSheffrey, Shannon and Norman Tanner, eds. Lollards of Coventry 1486-1522. Royal Historical Society, Camden Society, fifth series, vol. 23. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, December 2003. [“In the late fifteenth and early sixteenth centuries, Coventry harboured a community of Lollards, adherents of medieval England’s only popular heresy. Allowed to flourish relatively unmolested for decades, the Coventry Lollards came under close episcopal scrutiny in 1511 and 1512 when Geoffrey Blyth, bishop of Coventry and Lichfield, began a concerted effort to uncover and eradicate their community. This volume presents a remarkable record of the testimony compiled during Blyth’s crackdown, along with all other surviving evidence for heretical activities in Coventry. The documents, offered here both in their original languages of Latin and Middle English and in modern English translation, give new insights into the nature of religious dissent in the years just prior to the first stirrings of the English Reformation.”]
Powicke, F.M., and C.R. Cheney, eds. Councils and Synods. 2 vols. Oxford: Clarendon P, 1964.
Register of Bishop Philip Repingdon, 1405-1419. 3 Vols. Lincoln Record Society 57, 58, 74.
The Register of Edmund Lacy, Bishop of Exeter 1420-1455. Ed. Dunstan. 4 Vols. Canterbury and York Society 60, 61, 63, 66. Torquay, 1971.
The Register of Henry Chichele, Archbishop of Canterbury 1414-1443. 4 vols. Ed. E.F. Jacob. Canterbury and York Society 46-47. Oxford: 1938-47.
The Register of John Morton, Archbishop of Canterbury 1468-1500. Ed. Harper-Bill. 3 Vols. Canterbury and York Society 75, 78, 89. Leeds, 1987; Woodbridge: Boydell, 1991 and 2000.
The Register of John Catterick, Bishop of Coventry 1415-1419. Ed. Swanson. Canterbury and York Society 77. Woodbridge: Boydell, 1990.
The Register of John Waltham, Bishop of Salisbury 1388-1395. Ed. T.C.B. Timmons. Canterbury and York Society 80. Woodbridge: Boydell, 1994.
The Register of Robert Hallum, Bishop of Salisbury 1407-1417. Ed. Horn. Canterbury and York Society 72. Torquay, 1982.
The Register of Thomas Bekynton Bishop of Bath and Wells 1443-1465. Eds. H.C. Maxwell-Lyte and M.C.B. Dawes. Somerset Record Society 49-50, 1934.
The Register of Thomas Langton, Bishop of Salisbury 1485-93. Ed. Wright. Canterbury and York Society 74. Oxford, 1985.
The Register of Thomas Rotherham, Archbishop of York 1480-1500. Ed. Barker. Canterbury and York Society 69. Torquay, 1976.
Registrum Johannis Trefnant Episcopi Herefordensis. Ed. W.W. Capes. Canterbury and York Society 20. 1916. [This is important for material on Brut and Swinderby.]
Registrum Thome Bourgchier, Cantuariensis archiepiscopi, 1454-86. Canterbury and York Society 54. Oxford, 1957.
Royal Writs addressed to John Buckingham, Bishop of Lincoln, 1363-1398. Lincoln Record Society.
Salter, Herbert E., and V.H. Galbraith, eds. Snappe’s Formulary and Other Records. Medieval Studies Series, vol. 2. Peterborough, ON: Broadview P, 1997.
Strype, John. Memorials of the Most Reverend Father in God, Thomas Cranmer, sometime Lord Archbishop of Canterbury. London, 1694. New ed. Oxford: Ecclesiastical History Society, 1848-54. [ vol. 1 (9 mb);
vol. 2 (12.4 mb)]
Talbert, Ernst W., ed. “A Lollard Chronicle of the Papacy.” Journal of English and Germanic Philology 41 (1942): 163-93. [Superseded by Embree, above.]
Tanner, Norman P., S.J., ed. Heresy Trials in the Diocese of Norwich, 1428-31. Camden Society, fourth series, vol. 20. London: Royal Historical Society, 1977.
—, ed. Decrees of the Ecumenical Councils. 2 vols. Washington D.C.: Georgetown UP, 1990.
—, ed. Kent Heresy Proceedings 1511-12. Kent Records, vol. 26. Gen. ed. A.P. Detsicas. Maidstone, Kent: Kent Archaeological Society, 1997.
Usk, Adam. Chronicon Adae de Usk, 1377-1421. 2nd ed. Ed E.M. Thompson. London: Henry Frowde, 1904. [Superseded by Given-Wilson, next.]
—. Chronicle of Adam of Usk, 1377-1421. Ed. and trans. Chris Given-Wilson. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1997.
Walsingham, Thomas. Historia Anglicana. 2 vols. Ed. H.T. Riley. Rolls Series 28.1. London, 1863. [Rolls Series 28 is the “Chronica Monasterii S. Albani,” listed here in order of publication. These two volumes are the most summary of Walsingham’s chronicles; it will be superseded by the new Oxford Medieval Texts edition, below, edited by Taylor, Childs, and Watkiss, who discuss the relationships among the different chronicles in their Introduction. vol. 1 (10.3 mb);
vol. 2 (12.1 mb)]
—. Johannes de Trokelowe et Henrici de Blaneforde . . . necnon quorundam anonymorum, Chronica et Annales. Ed. H.T. Riley. Rolls Series 28.3 London, 1866. [Rolls Series 28 is the “Chronica Monasterii S. Albani.” This volume contains four chronicles which cover (respectively) the years 1259-96, 1307-22, 1323-24, and 1392-1406. The last is the “Annales Richardi Secundi et Henrici Quarti,” a section of Walsingham’s Chronica Maiora which provides some fuller accounts than the later Historia Anglicana. Chronica et Annales (13.1 mb)]
—. Gesta Abbatum Monasterii Sancti Albani. 3 vols. Ed. H.T. Riley. Rolls Series 28.4. London, 1867-69. [Rolls Series 28 is the “Chronica Monasterii S. Albani.” vol. 1 (11.5 mb);
vol. 2 (10.7 mb);
vol. 3 (13.7 mb)]
—. Chronicon Angliæ, ab Anno Domini 1328 usque ad Annum 1388. Ed. E.M. Thompson. Rolls Series 64. London, 1869. [This is a version of the Chronica Maiora; see the introduction to the Oxford Medieval Texts edition of The St. Albans Chronicle, below, for a discussion. Chronicon Angliæ (11.4 mb)]
—. Ypogdima Neustriæ. Ed. H.T. Riley. Rolls Series 28.7. London, 1876. [Rolls Series 28 is the “Chronica Monasterii S. Albani.” Ypogdima Neustriæ (15.5 mb)]
—. The St. Albans Chronicle: The Chronica Maiora of Thomas Walsingham. Vol 1: 1376-1394. Oxford Medieval Texts. Ed. John Taylor, Wendy R. Childs, and Leslie Watkiss. Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press, 2003. [This is the first part of a new edition of the Chronica Maiora, edited in the Rolls Series as the Historia Anglicana, above; it includes Latin text with a facing English translation. The introduction to this edition provides a discussion of Walsingham and the various St. Albans chronicles.]
—. The Chronica Maiora of Thomas Walsingham (1376-1422). Trans. David Prest, with Intro. and notes by James G. Clark. Woodbridge: Boydell, 2005. [No Latin text is provided. Note that Clark has also written a study of Walsingham which can be found on the Bibliography of Secondary Sources.]
The Westminster Chronicle: 1381-1384. Eds. and trans. L.C. Hector and B.F. Harvey. Oxford Medieval Texts. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1982. [This was published in the Rolls Series (41) as volume VIII of the Polychronicon.]
Wilkins, D. Concilia Magnae Britanniae et Hiberniae, A.D. 466-1718. 4 vols. London, 1737. [Here are links to the four volumes on Google Books: vol. 1; vol. 2; vol. 3, and vol. 4. One key source in here is its copy of Arundel’s Constitutions, which can be found starting on page 314 in vol. 3.]
Wykeham’s Register. 2 vols. Ed. T.F. Kirby. Hampshire Record Society, 1896-99. [ vol. 1 (6.8 mb);
vol. 2 (10.4 mb)]
“A Critical Edition of the Abbey of the Holy Ghost.” D.P. Consacro. Diss. Fordham U, 1971.
[Ancrene Riwle]. The English Text of the Ancrene Riwle, Edited from Magdalene College, Cambridge MS. Pepys 2498. Ed. A. Zettersten. EETS o.s. 274. London: Oxford UP, 1976.
[—]. The Recluse, a Fourteenth-Century Version of the Ancren Riwle. Ed. Joel Påhlsson. Lund, 1918. [This is the interpolated version. Recluse (33 mb)]
An Apology for Lollard Doctines Attributed to Wicliffe. Ed. James Henthorn Todd. Camden Society, old (first) series, vol. 20. London, 1842. [ Apology (3.7 mb); this is also on line here at the Corpus of Middle English Prose and Verse.]
Aquinas, St. Thomas. Catena Aurea in Quator Evangelia. 2 vols. Ed. P. Angelici Guarienti, O.P. Rome: Marietti, 1953. [This seems to have been a primary source for the Glossed Gospels. It is also included among the complete Latin works on line at the Corpus Thomisticum.]
Arnold, J., ed. Select English Works of John Wyclif. 3 vols. Oxford, 1868-71. [For a contemporary review see “Wiclif and his Works,” included on the Bibliography of Secondary Sources. Arnold, vol. 3 (8.9 mb). Vol. 1 is also on line at the Corpus of Middle English Prose and Verse. The first two volumes, of the English sermons, have been superseded by Hudson and Gradon’s edition, listed below; the third volume remains pertinent.]
Augustine, St. De Doctrina Christiana. Ed. and trans. R.H.P. Green. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1995. [A frequently cited source in the Bible translation’s “General Prologue” and the Prologues to the Glossed Gospel commentaries.]
Bale, John. A Brefe Chronycle Conceryning the Examynacyon and Death of . . . . Syr Johan Oldecastell The Lord Cobham. London: C. Davis, 1729. [Here this is on Google Books.]
Bale, John. Select Works of John Bale, D.D., Bishop of Ossory, Containing The Examinations of Lord Cobham, William Thorpe, and Anne Askew, and the Image of Both Churches. Ed. for the Parker Society by Henry Christmas. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1849. [ Select Works (12.5 mb)]
Barlow, Jerome, and William Roye, et al. Rede me and be nott wrothe . . . A Proper Dyaloge betwene a Gentillman and a Husbandman . . . together with A Compendious Olde Treatyse Showeynge how that we ought to have the Scripture in Englysshe written by a Lollard about 1450 A.D. printed by Hans Luft at Marburg, Hesse, in 1530 . . . . Ed. Edward Arber. Westminster: A. Constable, 1859. [This is a reprint edition of these three tracts, with an introduction. Rede me, etc. (2.5 mb)]
—. Rede Me and Be Nott Wrothe. Ed. Douglas Parker. Toronto: U of Toronto P, 1992.
Barr, Helen, ed. The Piers Plowman Tradition. London: J.M. Dent, 1993. [This contains editions of Pierce the Ploughman’s Crede, Richard the Redeless, Mum and the Sothsegger, and The Crowned King.]
The Wycliffite Bible: The most recent edition of the Wycliffite Bible is the online version produced by Oxford University project led by Elizabeth Solopova funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AH/N001591/1). The website can be found here. Note that not all books of the Bible have been edited. The edited books are Proverbs, Song of Songs, Hosea, Gospel of Luke, Epistle to the Romans and Acts of the Apostles.
The most recent printed edition was been edited by Conrad Lindberg. The Early Version (EV) takes up 8 volumes, edited from Bodley 959 and Christ Church 145. The Later Version (LV), edited as it appears in Bodley 277, is complete in 4 volumes. Lindberg has also edited the books of Baruch and Judges, and the prefatory Epistles of Jerome, from a collation of all known manuscripts. (After he finished his volumes, he wrote A Manual of the Wyclif Bible, including the Psalms: dedicated to the memory of Sven L. Fristedt, which is listed on the Bibliography of Secondary Sources). Forshall and Madden’s 1850 edition was a collation of all manuscripts known at the time, which includes about 75% of those which are known today. The only full edition of the General Prologue appears in Forshall and Madden; the other, later editions are only excerpts.
I list the various editions here in the order of their original publication, with facsimiles and websites last. Despite historical ascriptions to specific individuals, including Wyclif himself, most scholars today agree that the translation remains anonymous and must have been done by multiple translators, because of the enormity of the project and because Wyclif died long before it could have been completed (though Lindberg is an exception to this). On this see (for instance) Anne Hudson, The Premature Reformation, 242.
[Bible]. Bibliorum Sacrorum cum Glossa Ordinaria. 6 vols. Venice, 1603. [Available on its own page on this site.]
[Bible]. The New Testament . . . to which are prefixed memoirs of the life, opinions, and writings of Dr. Wiclif . . . by the Rev. Henry Hervey Baber. London: Richard Edwards, 1810. [ Baber’s NT (14 mb)]
[Bible]. The New Testament . . . now first printed from a contemporary manuscript formerly in the monastery of Sion, Middlesex . . . . Oxford: C. Whittingham for W. Pickering, 1848. [ Syon NT (11 mb)]
[Bible]. The Holy Bible, Containing the Old and New Testaments, with the Apocryphal Books, in the Earliest English Versions, made from the Latin Vulgate by John Wycliffe and his Followers. 4 vols. Ed. J. Forshall and F. Madden. Oxford, 1850. Rpt. New York: AMS Press, 1982. [Each of these four volumes is a very large .pdf file! Since this is the only complete edition of the “General Prologue,” it is included here as a separate file. [ General Prologue (3.2 mb).
Vol. 1 (35.6 mb);
Vol. 2 (40.5 mb);
Vol. 3 (39.4 mb);
Vol. 4 (36.1 mb). This is also on line here at the Corpus of Middle English Prose and Verse.]
[Bible]. The New Testament in English, According to the version by John Wycliffe, abt. A.D. 1380, and Revised by John Purvey, about A.D. 1388, formerly edited by the Rev. Josiah Forshall . . . and Sir Frederick Madden. . . and now reprinted. Ed. W. W. Skeat. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1879. [This is just the LV of just the New Testament as edited by Forshall and Madden. New Testament (5.9 mb)]
[Bible]. The Books of Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and the Song of Solomon According to the Wycliffite Version made by Nicholas de Hereford about A.D. 1381 and revised by John Purvey about A.D. 1388, formerly formerly edited by the Rev. Josiah Forshall . . . and Sir Frederick Madden. . . and now reprinted. Ed. W.W. Skeat. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1881. [This is just the LV of just these books of the Old Testament as edited by Forshall and Madden. Wisdom books (14.7 mb)]
[Bible]. A Fourteenth Century English Biblical Version Consisting of a Prologue and Parts of the New Testament edited from the Manuscripts Ed. A.C. Paues. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1902. [ Paues (5.5 mb); also on line here at the Corpus of Middle English Prose and Verse.]
[Bible]. The Later Version of the Wycliffite Epistle to the Romans: Compared with the Latin Original. Ed. Emma C. Tucker. Yale Studies in English 49 (1914). New York: Henry Holt, 1914. [ LV Romans (2.9 mb)]
[Bible]. De Groot, Herre, ed. “Wyclif’s Translation of the Gospel of St. John (as extracted from his sermons).” 2 vols. Ph. D. Thesis, Montreal, 1959.
[Bible]. MS. Bodley 959: Genesis-Baruch 3:20 in the Earlier Version of the Wycliffite Bible. Ed. Conrad Lindberg. Stockholm Studies in English 6, 8, 10, 13, 20. Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell, 1959-68. Appendix 1 rpt. as M.L. Samuels. “The Dialects of MS Bodley 959.” Middle English Dialectology: Essays on Some Principles and Problems. Ed. A. McIntosh, M.L. Samuels, and M. Laing. Aberdeen: Aberdeen UP, 1989. 136-49.
[Bible]. The Earlier Version of the Wycliffite Bible . . . Edited from MS Christ Church 145. Ed. Conrad Lindberg. Stockholm Studies in English 29, 81, 87. Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell, 1973-95.
[Bible] Lindberg, Conrad, ed. The Middle English Bible: Prefatory Epistles of St. Jerome. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget, 1978.
[Bible]. The Middle English Bible: The Book of Baruch. Ed. Conrad Lindberg. Oslo: Norwegian UP, 1985.
[Bible]. The Middle English Bible: The Book of Judges. Ed. Conrad Lindberg. Oslo: Norwegian UP, 1989.
[Bible]. The General Prologue to the Wycliffite Bible, selections from chapters 12 and 13, and chapter 15. In James M. Dean, ed., Medieval English Political Writings.
[Bible]. King Henry’s Bible: MS Bodley 277 The Revised Version of the Wyclif Bible. Ed. Conrad Lindberg. Stockholm Studies in English 89, 94, 98, 100. Stockholm: Almqvist and Wiksell, 1999, 2001, 2002, 2004. [These are the four volumes: Vol. 1: Genesis-Ruth; Vol. 2, 1 Kings-Psalms; Vol. 3, Proverbs-II Maccabes; Vol. IV, the New Testament]. [Following his 8-volume edition of the EV, these are the first four volumes of Lindberg’s edition of the LV, based on Bodley 277 and collated with Forshall and Madden’s 1850 edition. Lindberg picks Bodley 277 as his base text because, as he argues, the unique mix of largely LV text with some relict EV forms “unites features of all the previous stages into an authoritative whole worthy of the originator.”]
[Bible]. The Wycliffe New Testament, 1388, an Edition in Modern Spelling with an Introduction, the Original Prologues, and the Epistle to the Laodiceans. Ed. William Cooper. Toronto: U of Toronto P, 2002.
[Bible]. The New Testament in English. Portland, Oregon: International Bible Publications, 1986. [A facsimile of Bodleian, MS Rawlinson 259.]
[Bible]. Wycliffite Manuscript, The New Testament. CD-ROM. Octavo Corporation. [A CD-ROM facsimile of Southern Methodist University, Bridwell Library MS Prothro B-01.]
[Bible]. The Wycliffite Bible: Digital Edition. Ed. Elizabeth Solopova, et al. Oxford, 2016. [The edited books are Proverbs, Song of Songs, Hosea, Gospel of Luke, Epistle to the Romans and Acts of the Apostles.]
[Bible]. The Evolution of the English Bible: From Papyri to King James. CD-ROM. Ann Arbor: U of Michigan P, 1997. [This CD is a visual history of biblical textual construction.]
[Bible]. [This includes searchable versions of the Vulgate and its Douai-Rhiems translation.]
Biggs, Brendan. The First English Translation of the Imitation of Christ. EETS o.s. 309. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1998.
Blake, Norman, ed. Middle English Religious Prose. York Medieval Texts. Evanston, IL: Northwestern UP, 1972. [Includes among other texts editions of John Gaytryge’s Sermon and the Abbey of the Holy Ghost.]
Blamires, Alcuin, ed. Woman Defamed and Woman Defended: An Anthology of Medieval Texts. Oxford: Clarendon P, 1992. [This contains a translation (by C.M. Marx) of part of the trial of Walter Brut, from Trefnant’s Register.]
Blamires, Alcuin and C.M. Marx. “Women Not to Preach: A Disputation in British Library MS Harley 31.” Journal of Medieval Latin 3 (1993): 34-63. [This MS contains several documents connected to the trial of Walter Brut.]
The Book of Margery Kempe. Ed. S.B. Meech, with prefatory note by H.E. Allen. EETS o.s. 210. London: Oxford UP, 1940.
The Book of Margery Kempe. Ed. Lynn Staley. TEAMS Middle English Texts Series. Kalamazoo: Medieval Institute, 1996. [This also includes a helpful Bibliography.]
Book for a Simple and Devout Woman: A Late Middle English Adaptation of Peraldus’ Summa de Vitiis et Virtutibus and Friar Laurent’s Somme le Roi. Ed. F.N.M. Diekstra. Medievalia Groningana, vol. 24. Groningen: Egbert Forsten, 1998.
Book of Vices and Virtues. Ed. W.N. Francis. EETS o.s. 217. London, 1942.
Book to a Mother. Ed. A.J. McCarthy. Salzburg Studies in English Literature 92. Studies in English Mystics 1. Salzburg: Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik, 1981.
Bowers, John, ed. The Canterbury Tales: Fifteenth-Century Continuations and Additions. TEAMS Middle English Texts Series. Kalamazoo: Medieval Institute, 1992.
Brown, Edward, ed. Fasciculus Rerum Expetendarum et Fugiendarum. 2 vols. London, 1690. [Volume 1 is a compilation of documents made by Ortuinus (or Ortwin) Gratius (1475-1542) in 1535 to document conflicts in the church from the 11th century through the Reformation. It includes a number of documents about Wyclif, Hus, and the Council of Constance, including (among others) Woodford’s tract Contra errores Wiclefi in Trialogo, a refutation of 18 of its articles (also called the de causis condemnationis articulorum 18 damnatorum Joannis Wyclif), and the order to exhume and burn Wyclif’s bones (see 1.300-01). Vol. 2 is an “Appendix” that seems to have been compiled by Brown, not Gratius. It includes a few other directly relevant documents about Wycliffites and Hussites, as well as a copy of Fitzralph’s Defensorium Curatorum. Foxe used Gratius’s collection. They are bookmarked according to the Tables of Contents at the start of each volume, and vol. 2 contains an index. vol. 1 (46 mb);
vol. 2 (80 mb)]
Campi, Luigi. ‘Una difesa del determinismo dell’ultimo Wyclif attribuita a Peter Payne’, Rivista di storia della filosofia 70.4 (2015), 829-871. [The article contains an edition of De necessitate futurorum – an early fifteenth century tract on natural theology attributed to Peter Payne.]
The Chastizing of God’s Children. Ed. J. Bazire and E. Colledge. Oxford: Blackwell P, 1957.
Chaucer, Geoffrey. The Riverside Chaucer. 3rd ed. Gen. ed. Larry D. Benson. New York: Houghton Mifflin, 1987.
—. The Canterbury Tales. The Works of Geoffrey Chaucer. 2nd ed. Ed. Fred Robinson. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1957. [On line here at the Corpus of Middle English Prose and Verse. Note that the Riverside superseded this volume. This site also includes the 19th-century Chaucer Society transcriptions of nine different Chaucer manuscripts, including Ellesmere and Hengwrt.]
—. The Canterbury Tales. [From the Scholar’s Lab at the University of Virginia.]
—. The Treatise on the Astrolabe. The Works of Geoffrey Chaucer. 2nd ed. Ed. Fred Robinson. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1957. [On line here at the Corpus of Middle English Prose and Verse. This is especially important for its Preface and Chaucer’s discussion of translation.]
“The Charter of the Abbey of the Holy Ghost: A Critical Edition.” C.E. Fanning. Diss. Fordham U, 1975.
Cigman, Gloria, ed. Lollard Sermons. EETS o.s. 294. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1989.
Clanvowe, John. The Works of Sir John Clanvowe. Ed. V.J. Scattergood. Cambridge, 1975.
“The Cleansing of Man’s Soul: Edited from Bodley 923.” Regan, C.L. Diss. Harvard U, 1963.
Cranmer, Abp. Thomas. Writings and Disputations of Thomas Cranmer . . . Relative to the Lord’s Supper. Ed. John E. Cox. Parker Society. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1844. [ Lord’s Supper (19.8 mb)]
[—]. “A Critical Edition of the Confession Section of The Clensyng of Mannes Soule.” W. Everett. Diss. U of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, 1974.
Compston, H.F.B., ed. “The Thirty-Seven Conclusions of the Lollards.” English Historical Review 26 (1911): 738-749. [ 37 Conclusions (>1 mb)]
Contemplations on the Love and Dread of God. Ed. M. Connolly. EETS o.s. 303. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1993.
Crowder, C.M.D., ed. and trans. Unity, Heresy, and Reform, 1378-1460: The Conciliar Response to the Great Schism. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1977.
Davis, Norman, ed. Paston Letters and Papers of the Fifteenth Century. 2 vols. Oxford: Clarendon P, 1971-76.
Dean, James M., ed. Six Ecclesiastical Satires. TEAMS Middle English Texts Series. Kalamazoo: Medieval Institute, 1991.
Dean, James M., ed. Medieval English Political Writings. TEAMS Middle English Texts Series. Kalamazoo: Medieval Institute, 1996.
Deanesly, Margaret. The Lollard Bible and Other Medieval Biblical Versions. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1920. [This is included in this Bibliography because Deanesly edits six texts in Appendix 2:
1. William Butler, “Determination against biblical translation, 1401” (from Merton College, Oxford MS 68, fols. 202-204v);
2. Thomas Palmer, “De translatione sacrae scripturae in linguam Anglicanam” (from Trinity College, Camb. MS 347, fol. 42v ff.);
3. Richard Ullerston, “Agens hym that seyn that hooli wrigt schulde not or may not be drawun in to Engliche” (from Trin. Camb. MS 333, 26-30v);
4. “The holi prophete Dauid seith” (from CUL MS Ff.6.31, fols. 1-16r in the second foliation sequence);
5. “Epilogue to Commentary on the Glossed Gospels,” from Bodleian MS Laud Misc. 235, fols. 263 col. 1-264v, col. 1); and
6. “Sixteen Points” (from Trinity College, Camb. MS 333, fols. 30v-34).
Note that while Deanesly ascribes tracts 3, 4, and 5 to Purvey, along with the authorship of the General Prologue, this is doubtful. No. 3 is certainly by Ullerston, and is basically the same treatise as that edited by Bühler from Camb., Trin Coll. MS B.14.50 (see above). For more see Anne Hudson, “The Debate on Biblical Translation, Oxford 1401,” and “John Purvey: A Reconsideration of the Evidence,” both of which appear in her Lollards and Their Books (see the Bibliography of Secondary Sources). And also now see the volume by Dove, below, which will supersede these. Deanesly (22.4 mb)]
“A Dialogue between Reason and Adversity: A Late Middle English version of Petrarch’s De Remediis edited from Ms Ii.VI.39 of the University Library, Cambridge with and introduction, notes and glossary and the original English text.” F.N.M. Diekstra. D.Phil. Thesis. Nijmegen, 1968.
[Disce Mori]. “An Edition of Disce Mori (pp. 1-177): Introduction and Seven Sins.” N.A. Chadwick. M.A. Diss. Liverpool U, 1966.
[—]. Jones, E.A. “A Critical Edition of the Concluding Part of Disce Mori, a Late Medieval Devotional Compilation, with a Study of Some Related Texts.” D.Phil. Thesis. U of Oxford, 1994.
Dives and Pauper. Ed. Priscilla H. Barnum. EETS o.s. 275, 280. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1976, 1980.
Dobson, R.B., ed. The Peasant’s Revolt of 1381. 2nd ed. London: MacMillan, 1983. [This substantial volume includes a wide range of historical and literary commentaries on the Revolt.]
Dove, Mary, ed. The Earliest Advocates of the English Bible: The Texts of the Medieval Debate. Exeter: Univ. of Exeter Press, 2010. [New editions of the texts from the Oxford translation debates and other lollard texts concerning translation, including several prologues to Biblical texts. This volume complements her 2007 study The First English Bible.]
Duncan, T.G. “A Transcription and Linguistic Study of the Introduction and First Twelve Sermons of the Hunterian MS Version of the ‘Mirror.'” B. Litt. Thesis. U. of Oxford, 1965.
Durkin, P.N.R. “A Study of Oxford, Trinity College 86, with Editions of Selected Texts, and with Special Reference to Late Middle English Prose Forms of Confession.” D.Phil. Thesis. U. of Oxford, 1994.
Dymmok, Roger. Liber Contra Duodecim Errores et Hereses Lollardorum. Ed. H.S. Cronin. London: Wyclif Society, 1922.
Fasciculi Zizaniorum Magistri Johannis Wyclif cum Tritico. Ed. W.W. Shirley. Rolls Series 5. London, 1858. [ Fasciculi Zizaniorum (13.6 mb). For contemporary reviews of this volume, next to other publications, see “Wycliffe–His Biographers and Critics” and “Wiclif and his Works,” both included on the Bibliography of Secondary Sources.]
Fasciculus Morum: A Fourteenth-Century Preacher’s Handbook. Ed. and Trans. S. Wenzel. University Park: Penn State UP, 1989.
“The Fyve Wyttes: A Late Middle English Devotional Treatise Edited from BL MS Harley 2398 with an Introduction, Commentary and Glossary.” Ed. Rolf H. Bremmer, Jr. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1987. [From fols. 106v-127r.]
Fitzralph, Richard. Liber Ricardi Archiepiscopi Armachani De Pauperie Salvatoris. [Books 1-4 of this edition are taken from the appendix to Wyclif’s De Dominio Divino, edited by Reginald Poole in 1890; books 5-7 are taken from Brock’s 1954 dissertation, noted following.]
—. Summa in Questionibus Armenorum. Paris. 1512. [From the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek.]
—. Brock, Richard, ed. “An Edition of Richard Fitzralph’s ‘De Pauperie Salvatoris’ Books V, VI, and VII.” Ph.D. dissertation, University of Colorado, 1954.
—. The Beginning of the Strife Between Richard Fitzralph and the Mendicants, with an edition of his autobiographical prayer and proposition Uniusque. Ed. L.L. Hammerich. Historisk-filologiske Medelelser 26.3. Copenhagen: Levin & Munksgaard, 1938.
Forshall, J., ed. Remonstrance Against Romish Corruptions in the Church Addressed to the People and Parliament of England in 1395. London, 1851. [ Remonstrance (2.5 mb)]
Foxe, John. Acts and Monuments of these latter and perillous dayes . . . . London: John Day, 1563. STC 11222.
—. The First (Second-) Volume of the Ecclesiasticall History . . . . London: John Day, 1570. STC 11223.
—. The First (Second-) Volume of the Ecclesiasticall History . . . . London: John Day, 1576. STC 11224.
—. Actes and Monuments of matters most speciall and memorable . . . . London: John Day, 1583. STC 11225.
—. Acts and Monuments. 8 vols. Ed. George Townsend. London: Seeley, Burnside, and Seeley, 1843. [Volume 3, the most directly relevant to Lollard studies, contains the “cruel Constitution of Thomas Arundel, Archbishop, against the Gospellers, or Followers of God’s Truth,” at 3.242-48. Here are all eight volumes:]
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—. Facsimile of Foxe’s Book of Martyrs, 1583: Actes and Monuments of Matters most Speciall and Memorable. Ed. David G. Newcombe and Michael Pidd. CD-ROM. Version 1.0. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2001. [This CD is “assembled from two separate originals. [It] combines readable and printable images of the 2,200 pages of text and woodcut engravings from the complete edition. The illustrations are displayed as very high resolution facsimiles (400 dpi) and there is a searchable transcription of Foxe’s own index and calendar which catalogues and links to the text and woodcuts.”]
—. Actes and Monuments of Matters Most Speciall and Memorable. The Variorum Edition. 2nd ed. Univ. of Sheffield, 2011. [See this at This is an on-line edition of Foxe’s text, including facsimiles of all four 16th-century editions listed above, transcriptions, and critical apparatus.]
Friar Daw’s Reply. In James M. Dean, ed., Six Ecclesiastical Satires.
Gairdner, James, Ed. Three Fifteenth-Century Chronicles, with historical memoranda by John Stowe, the antiquary . . . . Westminster: Camden Society, new (second) series, vol. 28. London, 1880. [These chronicles cover time from Brutus’s founding of England forwards, but concentrate on the 15th and 16th centuries. Three Chronicles (10.9 mb)]
Gascoigne, Thomas. Loci et Libro Veritatum: Passages selected from Gascoigne’s Theological Dictionary Illustrating the Condition of the Church and State, 1403-1458. Ed. J.E. Thorold Rogers. Oxford, 1881. [ Gascoigne (3.7 mb)]
Genet, J.P., ed. Four English Political Tracts of the Later Middle Ages. Camden Society, fourth series, vol. 18. London: Royal Historical Society, 1977. [Includes an edition of the Tractatus de Regibus, a Middle English summary/discussion/compilation of several of Wyclif’s works, especially the De Officio Regis.]
Ginsburg, Alan, ed. Wynnere and Wastoure and the Parlement of the Thre Ages. TEAMS Middle English Texts Series. Kalamazoo: Medieval Institute, 1992.
Goldie, Matthew Boyd, ed. Middle English Literature: An Historical Sourcebook. Oxford: Blackwell, 2003. [This is a helpful volume for students and teachers seeking historical context for literary and cultural studies. Among the almost 60 texts, selections especially relevant to Lollard studies are taken from Archbishop Arundel’s “Constitutions,” the Norwich Heresy Trials, Reginald Pecock’s Repressor of Over Much Blaming of the Clergy, and the Tretise of Miraclis Pleyinge.]
Gordon, B. “Four Lollard Dialogues: An Edition with Commentary.” Ph.D. Thesis. U of Otago, 1985.
Gower, John. The English Works of John Gower. 2 vols. Ed. G.C. Macaulay. EETS e.s. 81, 82. London: Oxford UP, 1900. [These are the two volumes of English works, taken from the four-volume edition. It is on line here at the Corpus of Middle English Prose and Verse, and here at the OMACL at Berkeley.]
—. The Confessio Amantis. Ed. R. Peck, with Latin translations by A. Galloway. 2nd ed. Kalamazoo: Medieval Institute, 2006. [This contains selections from the Prologue, Book 1, and Book 8.]
—. The Complete Works of John Gower. Ed. G.S. Macaulay. 4 vols. Oxford: Clarendon, 1899-1902. Here are all four volumes:
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—. The Major Latin Works of John Gower. Trans. Eric Stockton. Seattle: U of Washington P, 1962.
—. The Mirour d l’Omme. Trans. W.B. Wilson. East Lansing: Colleagues P, 1992.
Halliwell, J.O., ed. Reliquiae Antiquae. 2 vols., 1841-43. [ vol. 1 (4.3 mb);
vol. 2 (3.7 mb). These are fascinating miscellanies of texts. The volumes include a number of relevant works, such as “A Sermon Against Miracle Plays” at 2.42-57.]
Hanna, Ralph. “‘Documentum Robert Grosehede’: An Unpublished Early Lollard Text.” Journal of the Early Book Society 13 (2010): 265-74. [An edition of a polemical text that “enjoins priests not to harass poor parishioners for their tithes” on fols. 73v-74v in Cambridge, Trinity College, MS O.1.29; a partial copy also exists in Bodley MS 647. This is available here.]
Havens, Jill C. “Instruction, Devotion, Meditation, Sermon: A Critical Edition of Selected English Religious Texts in Oxford, University College 97 with a Codicological Examination of Some Related Manuscripts.” D.Phil. Diss. University of Oxford, 1995.
[Hereford, Nicholas]. Forde, Simon, ed. “Nicholas Hereford’s Ascension Day Sermon, 1382.” Medieval Studies 51 (1989): 205-41.
Hilton, W. A Commentary on the Benedictus. Lund, 1957.
—. Scale of Perfection. Ed. E. Underhill, London, 1923.
—. Scale of Perfection. Ed. Thomas Bestul. Kalamazoo: Medieval Institute, 2000. [Also see this site for an alternate version.]
—. Walter Hilton’s Eight Chapters on Perfection. Ed. F. Kuriyagawa. Tokyo, 1967.
—. The Ladder of Perfection. Trans. Leo Shirley-Price, with an Intro. by Clifton Wolters. New York: Penguin, 1988.
—. The Scale of Perfection. Trans. J.P. H. Clark and R. Dorward. Classics of Western Spirituality. Mahwah, NJ: Paulist Press, 1991.
—. Walter Hilton’s Latin Writings. Ed. J.P.H. Clark and C. Taylor. Analecta Carthusiana 124. Salzburg, 1989.
—. Walter Hilton’s Mixed Life: Edited from Lambeth Palace MS 472. Ed. S.J. Ogilvie-Thomson. Salzburg Studies in English Literature: Elizabethan and Renaissance Studies 92:15. Salzburg: Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik, 1986.
Horner, Patrick, ed. A Macaronic Sermon Collection from Late Medieval England, MS Bodley 649. Studies and Texts 153. Toronto: Pontifical Institute, 2006. [An edition and translation of 23 anti-Lollard sermons in the manuscript.]
Hudson, Anne, ed. Selections from English Wycliffite Writings. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1978.
—, ed. Two Wycliffite Texts. EETS o.s. 301. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1993. [Includes the “Sermon of William Taylor” and the “Testimony of William Thorpe.”]
—, ed. The Works of a Lollard Preacher. EETS o.s. 317. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2001. [This volume contains three anonymously authored texts: a sermon entitled “Omnis plantancio,” the tract “Fundamentum aliud nemo potest ponere,” and the tract “De Oblacione iugis sacrificii.” The “Tractatus fundamentum aliud nemo potest ponere” is a shorter, variant version of the sermon, and where overlaps occur the texts are, helpfully, printed in parallel. The final tract, which is claimed in the text to be by the same author as the sermon, follows.]
—. “New Fragments of Wyclif’s De Logica.” Bodleian Library Record 19.2 (2006): 244-50.
Hudson, Anne, and Pamela Gradon, eds. English Wycliffite Sermons. 5 vols. Oxford: Clarendon P, 1983-1996.
Hunt, Simon. “An Edition of Tracts in Favour of Scriptural Translation and of Some Texts Connected with Lollard Biblical Scholarship.” D.Phil. Thesis. U of Oxford, 1994. [This includes twelve tracts edited from CUL Ms Ii.6.26 and several other related tracts on translation: the prologue to the Oon of Foure; Glossed Gospel Prologues and Epilogues including the Short Matthew Prologue, the Intermediate/Long Matthew Prologue and Epilogue, the Short Luke Prologue, and the Short John Prologue; Pater Noster II; and the Prologue to the Middle English Mirror, a translation of Robert of Greatham’s Anglo-Norman verse Mirour.]
Jack Upland, Friar Daw’s Reply, and Upland’s Rejoiner. Ed. P.L. Heyworth. London: Oxford UP, 1968.
Jack Upland. In James M. Dean, ed., Six Ecclesiastical Satires.
Jacob’s Well. Ed. Arthur Brandeis. EETS o.s. 115. London: Kegan Paul, Trench, and Trubner, 1900.
Jefferson, Judith Anne. “An Edition of the Ten Commandments Commentary in BL Harley 2398 and the Related Version in Trinity College Dublin 245, York Minster XVI.L.12, and Harvard English 738, Together with Discussion of Related Commentaries.” Ph.D. Diss. University of Bristol, 1995.
Jeffrey, David Lyle, ed. The Law of Love: English Spirituality in the Age of Wyclif. Grand Rapids: William B. Eerdmans, 1988.
Jenks, J.B. “A Critical Edition of Meditations upon the Passion, Michigan State College MS nr. 1.” Diss. Michigan State U., 1956.
Johnson, John. A Collection of All the Ecclesiastical Laws, Canons, Answers, or Rescripts, with other Memorials concerning the Government, Discipline and Worship of the Church of England, from its first Foundation to the Conquest . . . and of all the Canons and Constitutions Ecclesiastical, made since the Conquest and before the Reformation . . . . London, 1720. Rpt. Oxford: John Henry Parker, 1850. [Relevant to the period of Lollard Studies, Johnson’s second volume includes translations of Constitutions published by, among others, Abps. Thoresby, Peckham, Courtenay, Arundel, and Chichele. vol. 1 (10.4 mb);
vol. 2 (11.9 mb)]
Ker, N. “A Middle English Summary of the Bible.” Medium Aevum 29 (1960): 115-18.
Kuczynski, Michael P. “An Unpublished Lollard Psalms Catena in Huntington Library MS HM 501.” Journal of the Early Book Society 13 (2010): 95-138. [“In this essay I discuss Lollard attitudes towards an especially important Old Testament book, the Psalms, in connection with an unpublished and apparently unique abridgement of the Wycliffite Psalter (later version) that survives in Huntington Library MS HM 501 [which is] presented by its anonymous compiler as a catena. . . . My discussion falls into three parts: an introduction to Lollard regard for the Psalms as a preeminent biblical book, a description of the catena as an underappreciated literary form, and . . . an analysis of the Huntington psalms catena. I then offer a critical edition of the Huntington catena” (96).]
Kuhn, S.M., ed. “The Preface to a Fifteenth-century Concordance.” Speculum 43 (1968): 258-73.
Kuriyagawa, F., ed. The Middle English St. Brandon’s Confession and Prayer. Keio Society of Art and Letters, Keio University, 1968.
Langland, William. The Vision of William concerning Piers the Plowman, together with Vita de Dowel, Dobet, et Dobest, secundum Wit et Resoun. Ed. W.W. Skeat. London, 1867-86. [Skeat published a variety of editions, of specific manuscripts as well as Versions. I attach here his parallel text edition (dated 1886). vol. 1 (8.4 mb);
vol. 2 (12.9 mb). All three of his versions are also on line here at the Corpus of Middle English Prose and Verse.]
—. Piers Plowman: The A Version. Ed. G. Kane. London: Althone P, 1960.
—. Piers Plowman: The B Version. Eds. G. Kane and E. Talbot Donaldson. London: Althone P, 1975.
—. The Vision of Piers Plowman: A Complete Edition of the B-Text. Ed. A.V.C. Schmidt. Everyman’s Library. New York: J.M. Dent, 1978. [On line here at the Corpus of Middle English Prose and Verse.]
—. Piers Plowman: An Edition of the C Text. Ed. Derek Pearsall. Berkeley: U of California P, 1979.
—. Piers the Ploughman. Trans. J.F. Goodridge. Revised ed. Baltimore: Penguin, 1966.
—. The Vision of Piers Plowman. [From the Scholar’s Lab at the University of Virginia.]
The Lanterne of Light. Ed. L.M. Swinburn. EETS o.s. 151. London: K. Paul, 1917.
The Lanterne of Light. In James M. Dean, ed., Medieval English Political Writings. [Selections only.]
The Last Age of the Church. Ed. James Henthorn Todd. Dublin: University Press, 1840. [ Last Age (>1 mb)]
Lavynham, Richard. A Litil Tretis on the Seven Deadly Sins. Ed. J.P.W.M. van Zutphen. Rome: Institutum Carmelitum, 1956.
The Lay Folk’s Catechism. Ed. T.F. Simmons and S. Nolloth. EETS o.s. 112. London: K. Paul, Trench, and Trubner, 1901.
The Lay Folk’s Mass Book. Ed. T.F. Simmons. EETS o.s. 71. London, 1879.
The Middle English Life of Soul, ed. Paul H. Schaffner. [Edited from Bodleian, Laud Misc. 210. This is also on line at the Corpus of Middle English Prose and Verse.]
Lindberg, Conrad, ed. English Wyclif Tracts 1-3. Studia Anglistica Norvegica 5. Oslo: Novus Forlag, 1991. [Editions of the “De Officio Pastorali,” “De Papa,” and “Of the Church and Her Members.” The first two are in Matthew (see below) as items 27 and 28; the third was published in Arnold, vol. 3 (see above) as item 23.]
—. English Wyclif Tracts 4-6. Studia Anglistica Norvegica 11. Oslo: Novus Forlag, 2000. [Editions of “Of Confession,” “Of Pseudo-Friars,” and “Of Dominion.” These are in Matthew (see below) as items 21, 22, and 23.]
Lloyd, D.J. “An Edition of the Prose and Verse in the Bodleian Manuscript Laud Miscellaneous 23.” Diss. Yale U, 1943.
[Love, Nicholas]. Mirrour of the blessed lyf of Jesu Christ: a translation of the Latin work entitled Meditationes Vitæ Christi. Ed. Lawrence F. Powell. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1908. [Note that this edition is superseded by Sargent’s, following. Mirrour (3.3 mb). This is also on line here at the Corpus of Middle English Prose and Verse.]
—. Nicholas Love’s Mirror of the Blessed Life of Jesus Christ: A Critical Edition based on Cambridge University Library Additional MSs 6578 and 6686. Ed. Michael G. Sargent. New York: Garland, 1992. [As Sargent describes in his introduction, this text was submitted to Abp. Arundel in 1410, who “decreed and commanded by his metropolitan authority that it be published universally for the edification of the faithful and the confutation of heretics and lollards” (xlv).]
[Lychlade, Robert]. Wenzel, Siegfried. “Robert Lychlade’s Oxford Sermon of 1395.” Traditio 53 (1998): 203-30.
[Lyfe]. Pimpl, Mary L. “The Lyfe of the Soule, an Edition with Commentary.” DAI 25.4 (1964).
Mannyng, Robert. Robert Mannyng of Brunne’s Handlyng Synne. Ed. F. J. Furnivall. EETS o.s. 118. London: K. Paul, 1901.
—. Handlyng Synne. Ed. Idelle Sullens. Binghamton: Medieval and Renaissance Texts and Studies, 1983.
Marcett, M.E. “Uthred de Boldon, Friar William Jordan, and Piers Plowman.” Ph.D. Diss. New York U, 1938. [Includes Uthred’s tract “Contra querelas fratrum.”]
Martin, C.A. “Edinburgh University Library MS 93: An Annotated Edition of Selected Devotional Treatises with a Survey of Parallel Versions.” Diss. Edinburgh U, 1978.
Matthew, F.D., ed. The English Works of Wyclif. 2nd ed. EETS o.s. 74. London: Trübner, 1880. [Like vol. 3 of Arnold, above, this is helpful with several caveats. First, the biographical discussion of Wyclif’s life at the start is well-larded with contemporary hagiographical praise of Wyclif’s proto-protestant courage and dubious facts like his institution of the so-called “poor priests.” Second, more recent scholarship has shown that there is no evidence of Wyclif’s authorship of any works that exist today in English; they are by Wycliffite followers. Third, Matthew (as he says) made up many of these titles. For a contemporary review see “Wiclif and his Works,” included on the Bibliography of Secondary Sources. Matthew (11.6 mb). This is also on line here at the Corpus of Middle English Prose and Verse.]
McIntosh, A., ed. “Some Linguistic Reflections of a Wycliffite.” Franciplegius: Medieval and Linguistic Studies in Honor of F.P. Magoun. Ed. J.B. Bessinger and R.P. Creed. New York: New York UP, 1965. 290-93.
Memoriale Credencium: A Late Middle English Manual of Theology for Lay People edited from Bodley MS Tanner 201. Ed. J.H.L. Kengen. Diss. Katholieke Universitet te Nijmegen, 1979. Nijmegen: Katholieke Universiteit te Nijmegen, 1979.
Migne, J.P., ed. Patrologia Cursus Completus, Series Latina. Paris, 1844-1864. [See on line at the Documenta Catholica Omnia.]
Mirk, John. John Myrc: Instructions for Parish Priests. Ed. E. Peacock. EETS o.s. 31. London, 1868.
—. Mirk’s Festial. Ed. T. Erbe. EETS e.s. 96. London: Oxford UP, 1905.
“A Myrour to Lewde Men and Wymmen: A Prose Version of the Speculum Vitae, edited from BL MS Harley 45.” Ed. V. Nelson. Middle English Texts 14. Carl Winter, 1981.
[Mirror.] “An Edition of The Myrrour of Synneres.” C.A. Page. Diss. Fordham U, 1973.
More, St. Thomas. “The Affairs of Richard Hunne and Friar Standish.” Ed. J.D.M. Derrett. The Complete Works of St. Thomas More. Vol. 9. Gen. ed. L.L. Martz, et al. New Haven: Yale UP, 1979. 215-46.
Morgan, G.R. “A Critical Edition of Caxton’s The Art and Craft to Know Well to Die and Ars Moriendi together with the Antecedent Manuscript Material.” D.Phil. thesis. U of Oxford, 1972.
Murray, V. “An Edition of A Tretyse of Gostly Batayle and Milicia Christi.” D.Phil. Thesis. U of Oxford, 1972.
Netter, Thomas, of Walden. Opus de Sacramentalibus, in quo Doctrinae Antiquitatum fidei Ecclesiae Catholicae . . . continentur. 2 vols. Salamanca: Ioannem Mariam de Terranova & Iacobum Archarium, 1556-57. [For more about Netter and these volumes see here. The 1556 vol. is a complete scan except for one page; the 1557 volume seems to be missing fol. 1a and is only fragmentarily scanned from fol. 265 (in cap. 152) through the end. vol. 1 (33 mb);
vol. 2 (30 mb)]
—. Thomae Waldensis . . . Doctrinale Antiqutitatem Fidei Ecclesiae Catholica. 3 vols. Venice: Jordanum Zilettum, 1571. [For more about Netter and these volumes see here. Vol. 1 is paginated, but vols. 2 and 3 are foliated. Vol 1 is missing 2 pages (one folio); Vol. 2 is complete; Vol. 3 seems to lack every folio “a” side from 254a through 277a (in caps. 16-19). vol. 1 (43 mb);
vol. 2 (40 mb);
vol. 3 (34 mb)]
—. Doctrinale Antiquitatum Fidei Ecclesiae Catholicae. 3 vols. Ed. B. Blanciotti. Venice, 1757-9. Rpt. Farnborough: Gregg, 1967. [For more about this and Netter see here.]
Ogilvie-Thomson, S.J. “An Edition of the English Works in MS. Longleat 29, excluding the Parson’s Tale.” D.Phil. Thesis. U of Oxford, 1980.
Parkes, M.B. “Manuscript Fragments of English Sermons Attributed to John Wyclif.” Medium Aevum 24.2 (1955): 97-100.
The Pater Noster of Richard Ermyte, A Late Middle English Exposition of the Lord’s Prayer. Ed. F.G.A.M. Aarts. The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1967.
Pecock, Reginald. The Book of Faith. Ed. J.L. Morison. Glasgow, 1909. [ Book of Faith (7.1 mb). This is also on line here at the Corpus of Middle English Prose and Verse.]
—. The Donet of Reginald Peacock. Ed. E.V. Hitchcock. EETS o.s. 156. London: Oxford UP, 1921. This is also online here at the Corpus of Middle English Prose and Verse.]
—. Folower to the Donet by Reginald Peacock. Ed. E.V. Hitchcock. EETS o.s. 164. London: Oxford UP, 1924.
—. Repressor of Over Much Blaming of the Clergy. Ed. C. Babington. Rolls Series 19. London, 1860. [ vol. 1 (7.8 mb);
vol. 2 (7.7 mb). This is also online here at the Corpus of Middle English Prose and Verse.]
—. Reule of Cristen Religioun. Ed. W.C. Greet. EETS o.s. 171. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1927.
—, The Book of Faith: A Modern English Translation, trans. J. A. T. Smith. University of California, Los Angeles: Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, 2020.
Peikola, Matti, ed. “‘First is writen a clause of the bigynnynge therof’: The table of lections in manuscripts of the Wycliffite Bible.” Boletín Millares Carlo 24-25 (2005-06): 343-78. Appendix B includes an edition of a “Wycliffite interpolation of the table of lections of British Library Egerton 618, ff. 173r-v.”
Peters, Edward. Heresy and Authority in Medieval Europe: Documents in Translation. Philadelphia: U of Pennsylvania Press, 1980. [The final section of this “The Age of Wyclif and Hus.” It contains 9 texts, including a section of the Trialogus on indulgences (from Vaughan) along with official condemnations and responses to Wyclif and Hus.]
Pierce the Ploughman’s Crede. Ed. W.W. Skeat. EETS o.s. 30. Oxford, 1867. [On line here at the Corpus of Middle English Prose and Verse.]
Piers the Ploughman’s Crede. In James M. Dean, ed., Six Ecclesiastical Satires.
Pitard, Derrick. “A New Language of Authority: The Growth of Vernacular Religious Literacy in England during the Later Middle Ages.” Ph.D. diss. U. of Rochester, 1997. [Includes the Prologues to the Glossed Gospel Commentary on Matthew from Bodleian, Laud Misc. 235 and to the Glossed Gospel Commentary on Luke from Bodleian, Bodley 143.]
The Ploughman’s Tale. In John M. Bowers, ed., The Canterbury Tales: Fifteenth-Century Continuations and Additions.
The Plowman’s Tale. In James M. Dean, ed., Six Ecclesiastical Satires.
“The Pore Caitif, Edited from Harley 2336 with Introduction and Notes.” Sr. M.T. Brady. Diss. Fordham U, 1954.
Powell, E., and G.M. Trevelyan, eds. The Peasants’ Rising and the Lollards: A Collection of Unpublished Documents forming an Appendix to “England in the Age of Wycliffe.” London: Longman, Green, 1899. [ Collection (>1 mb)]
The Praier and Complaynte of the Ploweman vnto Christe. Ed. Douglas H. Parker. Toronto: U of Toronto P, 1997.
A Proper Dyalogue betwene a Gentillman and a Husbandman. Ed. Douglas H. Parker. Toronto: U of Toronto P, 1996.
Prick of Conscience. Ed. Richard Morris. Berlin, 1863. [ PofC (5.4 mb)]
The Prymer, or Lay Folks’ Mass Book. Ed. Henry Littlehales. EETS o.s. 105, 109. London, 1895-97.
Religious Pieces in Prose and Verse from R. Thornton’s MS. Ed. George Perry. EETS o.s. 26. London, 1867. [On line here at the Corpus of Middle English Prose and Verse; this includes Dan Jon Gaytryge’s Sermon, the Mirror of St. Edmund, and the Abbey of the Holy Ghost.]
Rolle, Richard: Anthologies:
- Richard Rolle of Hampole, An English Follower of the Church and his Followers. 2 vols. Ed. Carl Horstmann. New York, 1895 & 1896. [
vol. 1 (9.3 mb);
vol. 2 (8.7 mb). This is also on-line at the Corpus of Middle English Prose and Verse, in two parts: Works by Rolle, and the Companion to Works by Rolle.]
- Richard Rolle: English Writings. Ed. H.E. Allen. Oxford: Clarendon P, 1931.
- Richard Rolle: The English Writings. Ed. Rosamund S. Allen. Preface by V. Lagorio. New York: Paulist P, 1988.
- Richard Rolle: Prose and Verse. Ed. S.J. Ogilvie-Thomson. EETS o.s. 293. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1988. [An edition of part of her thesis, listed above.]
- Richard Rolle: Uncollected Verse and Prose, with Related Northern Texts. Ed. Ralph Hanna. EETS o.s. 329. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2008.
Rolle, Richard: Individual Works:
- “An Edition of Richard Rolle’s The Commandment.” Margaret G. Amassian. Diss. Fordham U, 1967.
- Contra Amatores Mundi. Ed. and Trans. Paul F. Theiner. University of California Publications: English Studies 33. Berkeley, 1968.
- Emendatio Vitae: Orationes ad Honorem Nominis Jesu. Ed. N. Watson. Toronto Medieval Latin Texts 21. Toronto: Pontifical Institute, 1995.
- English Commentary on the Psalter:
- The Psalter or Psalms of David and Certain Canticles With a Translation and Exposition in English by Richard Rolle of Hampole. Ed. H.R. Bramley. Oxford, 1884. [
Psalter (9.8 mb). This is also on-line here at the Corpus of Middle English Prose and Verse.]
- “An Edition of Richard Rolle’s English Psalter, The Prologue through Psalm xv.” Sandra S. Newton. Diss. Fordham U, 1976.
- “Richard Rolle’s Psalter Commentary: Psalms 31-45.” Jerry Cavallerano. Diss. Fordham U, 1976.
- “An Edition of Richard Rolle’s English Psalter with Notes and Commentary (Psalms 46-60).” Sr. Marion Elizabeth Callanan. Diss. Fordham U, 1977.
- “Richard Rolle’s English Commentary on the Psalter, Psalms 61-75.” Z.J. Rodriguez. Diss. Fordham U, 1980.
- “Richard Rolle’s English Psalter: Psalms 91-105: An Edition with and Introductory Essay on Rolle’s Style.” Ellen Alana Carney. Diss. Fordham U, 1980.
- “A Critical Edition of Richard Rolle’s English Psalter: Psalms 106-120 with Glossary, Notes, Appendices, and an Introductory Essay.” Francis Jerome Markert. Diss. Fordham U, 1990.
- The Psalter or Psalms of David and Certain Canticles With a Translation and Exposition in English by Richard Rolle of Hampole. Ed. H.R. Bramley. Oxford, 1884. [
- Incendium Amoris. Ed. M. Deansley. Manchester: U of Manchester, 1915. [
Incendium (4.2 mb)]
- Latin Psalter. Mary Louise Porter. Diss. Cornell University, 1929.
- An Edition of the Judica Me Deus. Ed. J.P. Daly. Salzburg: Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik, 1984.
- Melos Amoris. Ed. E.J.F. Arnold. Oxford, 1957.
- Super Canticum Canticorum. E.M. Murray. Diss. Fordham U, 1958.
Salisbury, Eve, ed. The Trials and Joys of Marriage. TEAMS. Kalamazoo: Medieval Institute Publications, 2002. [Among about 25 other varied texts, this volume includes the Wycliffite tract “Of Weddid Men and Wifis and of Here Children Also,” fully edited for the first time since Arnold in 1871.]
Schmitt, Friedrich, ed. Die mittelenglische Version des Elucidariums des Honorius Augustoduniensis. Wissenschaftliche Beigabe zum Jahresberichte des königlichen humanistischen Gymnasiums Burgahusen für das Schuljar 1908/1909. Burghausen: W. Trinkl, 1909.
Scholar, H. “An Edition of the Fourteenth Century Lollard Tract on the Pater Noster.” M.A. Thesis. U. of Manchester, 1981.
Shinners, John, ed. Medieval Popular Religion 1100-1500: A Reader. Medieval Studies Series, vol. 2. Orchard Park, NY/Peterborough, ON: Broadview P, 1997. [Among a wide range of texts from this period, this contains Margery Baxter’s trial at Norwich, translated from Tanner.]
Shinners, John, and William J. Dohar, eds. Pastors and the Care of Souls in Medieval England. Notre Dame: U of Notre Dame P, 1998.
Skelton, John. John Skelton: The Complete Poems. Ed. John Scattergood. New Haven: Yale UP, 1983.
Smith, P.M. “An Edition of Parts I-V of the Wycliffite Translation of Clement of Llanthony’s Latin Gospel Harmony UNUM EX QUATTOR known as OON OF FOURE.” Ph.D. Thesis. U. of Southampton, 1985.
Somerset, Fiona. Four Wycliffite Dialogues. EETS o.s. 333. Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press, 2009. [Includes editions of the unique copies of four dialogues: “Dialogue between Jon and Richard,” from Cambridge, Trinity Coll. MS B 14 50; “Dialogue between a Friar and a Secular” from Dublin, Trinity Coll. MS 244; “Dialogue between Reson and Gabbyng” from Dublin, Trinity Coll. MS 245; and “Dialogue between a Clerk and a Knight” from Durham, Univ. Library MS Cosin V.III.6.]
Somerset, Fiona. “A Mirror to See God in: An Edition of ‘þe Wordes of Poule’.” Yearbook of Langland Studies 31 (2017): 257-286. [A short treatise of spiritual advice on how to maintain patience in the face of tribulations. As the introductory essay explains, this neglected work will be of special interest to scholars of Piers Plowman, of medieval spirituality, and of the history of emotions.]
Spade, Paul V., ed. Five Texts on the Medieval Problem of Universals: Porphyry, Boethius, Abelard, Duns Scotus, Ockham. Cambridge: Hackett, 1994.
Spalding, Mary Caroline, ed. The Middle English Charters of Christ. Bryn Mawr College Monographs, Monograph Series, no. 15. Bryn Mawr, PA: Bryn Mawr College, 1914. [ Charters (3.1 mb)]
Speculum Christiani. Ed. G. Holmstedt. EETS o.s. 182. London: Oxford UP, 1933.
Speculum Religiosorum and Speculum Ecclesiae. Ed. Helen Forshaw. Auctores Britannici Medii Aevi, III. London: British Academy, 1973.
Speculum Sacerdotale. Ed. E.H. Weatherly. EETS o.s. 200. London: Oxford UP, 1936.
[Speculum.] John W. Smeltz. “Speculum Vitae: An Edition of British Museum Manuscript Royal 17c. viii.” Diss. Duquesne University, 1977.
Speculum Vitae: A Reading Edition I and II. Ed. Ralph Hanna. EETS o.s. 331, 332. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2008.
Summa Virtutum de Remediis Anime. Ed. Siegfried Wenzel. The Chaucer Library. Athens: U of Georgia P, 1984.
Swanson, R.N., ed. and trans. Catholic England: Faith, Religion, and Observance before the Reformation. Manchester: Manchester UP, 1993. [Includes a wide variety of religious texts, including selections from several trial proceedings and confessions.]
Talking of the Loue of God. Ed. Sister Salvina M. Westra. The Hague, 1950.
The Thornton Manuscript: Lincoln Cathedral MS 91. Intros. by Derek Brewer and A.E.B. Owen. London: Scolar P, 1975.
Todd, James Henthorn, ed. Three Treatises by John Wycklyffe, now printed from a manuscript in the library of Trinity College, Dublin. Dublin, 1851. [ Three Treatises (1.7 mb)]
The Towneley Plays. Ed. George England and A.W. Pollard. EETS e.s. 71. Oxford, 1897. [On line here at the Corpus of Middle English Prose and Verse.]
The Towneley Plays. [From the Scholar’s Lab at the University of Virginia.]
A Tretise of Miraclis Pleyinge: A Middle English Treatise on the Playing of Miracles. Ed. Clifford Davidson. Early Drama, Art, and Music Monograph Series 19. Kalamazoo, MI: Medieval Institute Publications, 1993.
Trevisa, John. Dialogus Inter Militem et Clericum. Ed. A.J. Perry. EETS o.s. 167. London: Oxford UP, 1925.
[—]. Waldron, Ronald, ed. “Trevisa’s Original Prefaces on Translation: A Critical Edition.” Medieval English Studies Presented to George Kane. Ed. Edward D. Kennedy, R. Waldron, and Joseph S. Wittig. Woodbridge: D.S. Brewer, 1988. 285-97.
“The Trial of Richard Wyche.” Ed. F.D. Matthew. English Historical Review 5 (1890): 530-44. [ Wyche (>1 mb)]
“The Twelve Conclusions of the Lollards.” Ed. H.S. Cronin. English Historical Review 22 (1907): 292-304. [ 12 Conclusions (>1 mb)]
“The Twelve Conclusions.” [From the Geoffrey Chaucer Website at Harvard. This is a translation of Cronin’s edition, above.]
Tyconius. Tyconius: The Book of Rules. Ed. and trans. William S. Babcock. Atlanta: Scholars P, 1989. [Tyconius is cited in the General Prologue to the translation of the Bible.]
[Ullerston, Richard]. Petitiones. M. von der Hardt, Magnum Oecumenicum Constantiense Concilium 1. pars xxvii. Hemlstedt, 1697. Cols. 1126-71. [This is a set of sixteen petitions for the Council of Pisa in 1408 which “reveal his appreciation for the validity of certain Wycliffite positions” (Hudson, “The Debate on Bible Translation, Oxford 1401” 77).]
[—]. Buhler, Curt, ed. “A Lollard Tract: On Translating the Bible into English.” Medium Aevum 7 (1938): 167-83. [See under Deanesly, The Lollard Bible, above, for another version. These are English adapations of Ullerston’s Latin original.]
Upland’s Rejoinder. In James M. Dean, ed., Six Ecclesiastical Satires.
Usk, Thomas. The Testament of Love. Trans. Alan Shoaf.
Van Dussen, Michael, ed. “Three Verse Eulogies of Anne of Bohemia.” Medium Aevum 78.2 (2009): 231-60. [Van Dussen edits, translates, and comments on three previously unknown elegies on Richard II’s queen, uncovered in two manuscripts in Prague. One, he posits, is by the Carmelite Richard Maidstone. According to the introduction, the eulogies “are valuable indications of the ways in which Anne’s piety was construed and then used to advance royalist devotional and political agendas.”]
Vaughan, Robert, ed. Tracts and Treatises of John de Wyckliffe. London: Printed for the Wycliffe Society by Blackburn and Pardon, 1845. [This volume collects a wide range of Wycliffite tracts, a list of Wyclif’s known works at the time, and a translation of part of the Trialogus. It complements his biography that can be found on the Bibliography of Secondary Sources). Tracts and Treatises (9.5 mb)].
von Nolcken, Christina, ed. The Middle English Translation of the Rosarium Theologie. Heidelberg: Carl Winter, 1979.
[Vernon MS.] The Minor Poems of the Vernon MS. Vol. 1, Ed. C. Horstmann. EETS o.s. 98. London, 1892; Vol. 2, ed. F. J. Furnivall. EETS o.s. 117. London, 1901. [On line here at the Corpus of Middle English Prose and Verse.]
The Vernon Manuscript: A Facsimile of Bodleian Library MS. Eng. poet.a.1. Ed. A.I. Doyle. Woodbridge: D.S. Brewer, 1987.
Wakefield, Walter L., and Austin P. Evans, trans. Heresies of the High Middle Ages. New York: Columbia UP, 1991.
Wenzel, Seigfried, ed. Preaching in the Age of Chaucer: Selected Sermons in Translation. Baltimore, MD: Catholic Press of America, 2008. [Wenzel translates 25 mostly Latin sermons from the later middle ages (1350-1450) to cover a wide range of liturgical occasions, feasts, and topics. He includes an introduction, and an opening section which traces a sermon from its source text in the Gospel, to the Glossa Ordinaria to its use in sermons. Some sermons included are anonymous (including a Wycliffite sermon from Laud Misc. 200 on the Sixth Sunday after Easter); those with identifiable authors are by FitzRalph, Brinton, Wyclif (First Sunday after Trinity), Felton, Mirk (the only one originally in English, on John the Baptist), Philip, Frisby, and Dygon.]
Wilson, E.P. “A Critical Text, with Commentary, of MS. English Theology f. 39 in the Bodleian Library.” B. Litt. Thesis. University of Oxford, 1968.
Wimbledon, Thomas. “Thomas Wimbledon’s Sermon: ‘Redde racionem villicationis tue.'” Ed. Nancy H. Owen. Mediaeval Studies 28 (1966): 176-96.
—. Wimbledon’s Sermon Redde Rationem Villicationis Tue: A Middle English Sermon of the Fourteenth Century. Ed. Ione Kemp. Pittsburgh: Duquesne University Press, 1967.
Winn, Herbert E., ed. Select English Writings. With a preface by H.B. Workman. London: Oxford UP, 1929. [This is a selection of Wycliffite writings.]
Writing and Examinations of Brute, Thorpe, Cobham, Hilton, Pecock, Bilney, and others; with the Lantern of Light. London: Religious Tract Society, 1831. [This is actually part two of the next volume; it includes Wycliffite and non-Wycliffite writers. Most texts in these two volumes have been superseded by later editions you can find on this page. Writings and Exams (4.9 mb)]
Writings of the Reverend and Learned John Wickliff, D.D. London: Religious Tract Society, 1831. [This volume, with a selection of Wycliffite tracts similar to Vaughan’s (above), though smaller, contains an edition of The Pore Caitif. Writings (4.1 mb)].
Wogan-Browne, Jocelyn, et al., eds. The Idea of the Vernacular: An Anthology of Middle English Literary Theory, 1280-1520. University Park: Penn State UP, 1998.
[Woodford, William]. Dobson, Marcellus D. “A Critical Edition of the Quattour Determinationes Fratris Willelmi Wydeford . . . in Materia de Religione.” Thesis. Oxford, ca. 1932.
[—]. Doyle, Eric, ed. “William Woodforde’s De Dominio Civili Clericorum against John Wyclif.” Archivum Franciscanum Historicum 66 (1973): 49-109.
[—]. [—]. “Bibliographical List by William Woodforde O.F.M.” Franciscan Studies 35 (1975): 93-106.
[—]. [—]. “William Woodforde O.F.M. (c. 1330-c.1400): His Life and Works, together with a Study and Edition of His Responsiones contra Wyclevum et Lollardos.” Franciscan Studies 43 (1983): 17-187.
Wycklyffe’s Wycket. Nuremburg, 1546. Rpt., ed. T.P. Pantin. Oxford, 1828. [ WyckWick (>1 mb)]
—. The Great Sermons of the Great Preachers. London: Ward and Lock, 1857. 109-121. [This is an extract from an anthology of “Masterpieces of Pulpit Eloquence.” “Discourse the Eleventh” was as its introduction says “put forth under the title of ‘Wycliffe’s Wicket.'” Great Sermons (>1 mb)]
Wright, Thomas, ed. Political Songs and Poems Relating to English History. 2 vols. Rolls Series 14. London, 1859-61. [ vol. 1 (9.4 mb);
vol. 2 (5.6 mb)].
The York Plays. Ed. Richard Beadle. London: E. Arnold, 1982. [Here it is on line at the Scholar’s Lab at the University of Virginia, and here it is on line at the Corpus of Middle English Prose and Verse.].
While various chroniclers record that Wyclif preached in English, and various works of his are translated during the period, this bibliography assumes that there are no surviving Middle English texts which we can confidently ascribe to his hand. This is not a listing of all his works, but of later printed editions. For other indices see Severs 2.519-521, and Thomson, Latin Writings (listed above in “Bibliographies and Indices“). The texts published by the Wyclif Society between 1883 and 1922 were republished by Johnson Reprints Corp., New York, in 1966. I list modern translations after the editions of the Latin works. Note that a web edition of The Latin Works of John Wyclif is being published.
Latin Editions:
—. [Complaint.] I.H. Stein, ed. “The Latin Text of Wyclif’s Complaint.” Speculum 7.1 (Jan. 1932): 87-94.
—. [Confessio.] I.H. Stein, ed. “An Unpublished Fragment of Wyclif’s Confessio.” Speculum 8.4 (Oct. 1933): 503-10.
—. De Apostasia. Ed. Michael H. Dziewicki. London: Wyclif Society, 1883. [ De Apostasia (4.6 mb)]
—. De Blasphemia. Ed. Michael H. Dziewicki. London: Wyclif Society, 1893. [ De Blasphemia (7.6 mb)]
—. De Christo et suo Adversario Antichristo. Ed. Rudolph Buddenseig. Gotha, 1880. [De Christo (1.2 mb)]
—. De Civili Dominio. Ed. R.L. Poole and J. Loserth. 4 vols. London: Wyclif Society, 1885-1904. [For a contemporary review see “Wiclif and his Works,” included on the Bibliography of Secondary Sources. vol. 1 (8.6 mb);
vol. 2 (4.2 mb);
vol. 3 (4.7 mb);
vol. 4 (11.9 mb)]
—. De Civili Dominio, chs. 1-10. Ed. John Kilcullen.
—. De Compositione Hominis. Ed. Rudolf Beer. London: Wyclif Society, 1884. [For a contemporary review see “Wiclif and his Works,” included on the Bibliography of Secondary Sources. De Compositione Hominis (2.3 mb)]
—. De Dominio Divino Libri Tres: To which are added the first four books of the Treatis De Pauperie Salvatoris by Richard Fitzralph, Archbishop of Armagh. Ed. R.L. Poole. London: Wyclif Society, 1890. [ De Dominio Divino (23.6 mb)]
—. De Ecclesia. Ed. J. Loserth. London: Wyclif Society, 1885. [For a contemporary review see “Wiclif and his Works,” included on the Bibliography of Secondary Sources. De Ecclesia (11.9 mb)]
—. De Ente Librorum Duorum. Excerpta: Libri I Tractatus III & IV; Libri II Tractatus I & III; et Fragmentum de Annihilatione. Ed. M.H. Dziewicki. London: Wyclif Society, 1909.
—. De Ente Praedicamentali, Quaestiones XIII Logicae et Philosophiae. Ed. Rudolf Beer. London: Wyclif Society, 1891. [ De Ente Praedicamentali (8.6 mb)]
—. De Eucharistia Tractatus Maior: Accedit Tractatus de Eucharistica et Poenitentia sive De Confessione. Ed. J. Loserth. London: Wyclif Society, 1892. [ De Eucharistia (5.5 mb)]
—. De Logica. 3 vols. Ed. M.H. Dziewicki. London: Wyclif Society, 1893-99. [ vol. 1 (14.4 mb);
vol. 2 (3.8 mb);
vol. 3 (3.7 mb)]
—. De Mandatis Divinis, accedit De Statu Innocentiae . . . with an Appendix De Differentia inter Peccatum Morale et Veniale. Ed. J. Loserth and F.D. Matthew. London: Wyclif Society, 1922.
—. De Officio Pastorali. Ed. G.V. Lechler. Leipzig, 1863. [ De Officio Pastorali (>1 mb)]
—. De Officio Regis. Ed. Alfred W. Pollard and Charles Sayle. London: Wyclif Society, 1887. [ De Officio Regis (5.7 mb)]
—. De Potestate Pape. Ed. J. Loserth. London: Wyclif Society, 1907. [ De Potestate Papa (7.9 mb)]
—. De Scientia Dei. Ed. Luigi Campi. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017.
—. De Simonia. Ed. Herzberg-Frankel and M.H. Dziewicki. London: Wyclif Society, 1898. [ De Simonia (2.3 mb)]
—. De Trinitate. Ed. Allen duPont Breck. Boulder: U of Colorado P, 1962.
—. De Veritate Sacre Scripturae. Ed. Rudolf Buddenseig. 3 vols. London: Wyclif Society, 1905. [ vol. 1 (6.1 mb);
vol. 2 (3.1 mb);
vol. 3 (4.5 mb)]
—. Dialogus sive Speculum Ecclesiae Militantis. Ed. Alfred W. Pollard. London: Wyclif Society, 1886. [For a contemporary review see “Wiclif and his Works,” included on the Bibliography of Secondary Sources. Dialogus (2.6 mb)]
—. [Epistola ad quendam.] Williel R. Thomson, ed. “An Unknown Letter by John Wyclyf in Manchester, John Rylands University Library MS. Eng. 86.” Mediaeval Studies 43 (1981): 531-36. [An edition of Wyclif’s Epistola ad quendam socium de sensu mistico Matt. 21.]
—. Miscellanea Philosophica. Ed. M.H. Dziewicki. 2 vols. London: Wyclif Society, 1902-05. [ vol. 1 (5.6 mb);
vol. 2 (3.1 mb)]
—. Opera Minora. Ed. J. Loserth. London: Wyclif Society, 1913.
—. Opus Evangelicum, vols. 1 and 2. Ed. J. Loserth. London: Wyclif Society, 1895. [ OE vols. 1-2 (6.5 mb)]
—. Opus Evangelici Liber III et IV (sive De Antichristo Liber I et II). Ed. J. Loserth. London: Wyclif Society, 1896. [ OE vols. 3-4 (8.1 mb)]
—. [Opuscula.] S. Harrison Thomson, ed. “Three Unprinted Opuscula of John Wyclif.” Speculum 3.2 (Apr. 1928): 248-53.
—. Polemical Works in Latin. Ed. R. Buddenseig. 2 vols. London: Wyclif Society, 1883. [For a contemporary review see “Wiclif and his Works,” included on the Bibliography of Secondary Sources. vol. 1 (10.6 mb); vol. 2 (7.8 mb)]
—. Sermones. 4 vols. Ed. J. Loserth. London: Wyclif Society, 1886-89. [Sermones vol. 1 (12.4 mb);
vol. 2 (13.4 mb);
vol. 3 (7.6 mb);
vol. 4 (14.4 mb)]
—. Summa de Ente, Libri Primi: Tractatus Primus et Secundus. Ed. S. Harrison Thompson. Oxford: Clarendon, 1930.
—. [Summa de Ente.] S. Harrison Thomson, ed. “A ‘Lost’ Chapter of Wyclif’s Summa de Ente.” Speculum 4 (1929): 339-346. [See also under I.H. Stein, on the Bibliography of Secondary Sources.]
—. Summa Insolubilium. Ed. with an Intro. by P.V. Spade and G.A. Wilson. Binghamton: MRTS, 1986.
—. Tractatus de Benedicta Incarnacione. Ed. Edward Harris. London: Wyclif Society, 1886. [For a contemporary review see “Wiclif and his Works,” included on the Bibliography of Secondary Sources. De Benedicta (7.6 mb)]
—. Tractatus de Universalibus. Ed. Ivan J. Mueller. Oxford: Clarendon P, 1985.
—. [Trialogus]. MS Florence, Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana Plutei.19.33. ca. 1391-1400.
—. [Trialogus]. VViclefi Viri Vndiqvaque pijs. dialogorum libri quattuor. Worms, 1525. [Images of the original text from the Digitization Center at the Bayeriche StaatsBibliotek.]
—. Trialogus. [This is an edition of Dialogorum Libri Quatuor. Ed. Ludwig P. Wirth. Francofurti: Impensis Io. Gott. Vierlingii, 1753.]
—. Trialogus, cum Supplemento Trialogi. Ed. G.V. Lechler. Oxford, 1869. [For a contemporary review see “Wiclif and his Works,” included on the Bibliography of Secondary Sources. Trialogus (8.4 mb). Translated sections of this appear translated in Vaughan, ed., Tracts and Treatises, above.]
Modern Translations:
—. Confessio. Trans. Stephen Lahey. In Stephen Lahey. John Wyclif. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2008. 226-243. [This is in an appendix.]
—. On Civil Dominion. The Cambridge Translations of Medieval Philosophical Texts, vol. 2: Ethics and Political Philosophy. Ed. and trans. A.S. Mcgrade, J. Kilcullen, and M. Kempshall. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2001. 587-654. [Selections, though a fairly large chunk.]
—. On the Eucharist. Ed. and trans. F.L. Battles. In M. Spinka, ed. Advocates of Reform from Wyclif to Erasmus. Library of Christian Classics, vol. 14. Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1953. 61-88. [Selections.]
—. On the Pastoral Office. Ed. and trans. F.L. Battles. In M. Spinka, ed. Advocates of Reform from Wyclif to Erasmus. Library of Christian Classics, vol. 14. Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1953. 32-60. [Selections.]
—. On the Duty of the King. Trans. Cary Nederman. Medieval Political Theory–A Reader. Ed. Cary Nederman and Kate L. Forhan. London: Routledge, 1993. 221-230. [Selections.]
—. On Simony. Trans. Terence A. McVeigh. New York: Fordham UP, 1992.
—. John Wyclif’s On the Truth of Holy Scripture. Trans. with Intro. and notes by I. C. Levy. Kalamazoo: Medieval Institute, 2001. [As the title indicates, this is a translation of Wyclif’s 1378 De Veritate Sacre Scripturae. Levy has edited down Wyclif’s prolixity and repetitiveness, though he has presented the framework of his argument throughout. It includes an introduction which places the tract within the larger context of Wyclif’s theology. Not the complete text, but the framework is there.]
—. On Universals (Tractatus de Universalibus). Trans. Anthony Kenny, intro. by P.V. Spade. Oxford: Clarendon P, 1985. [The introduction also provides a helpful and lucid discussion of Wyclif’s realism.]
Only works edited in Latin or English are included here. Hus’s works seem to have been edited between about 1899-1908 in Latin by Václav Flajšhans and others, and then reprinted in 1966 by Academia. Brepols seems to be reprinting these editions now. His “Sebrané spisy Ceske,” “Collected Works” translated into Czech, were published at about the same time; these Czech volumes are not included below, but they are available for download on Google Books. A number of other important texts are edited in the appendix to Loserth, Wiclif and Hus.
Acta summorum pontificum: res gestas Bohemicas aevi praehussitici et hussitici illustrantia. Ed Jaroslav Ersil. Prague: Academia scientiarum bohemoslovaca, 1980.
Fudge, Thomas A., ed. Crusade Against Heretics in Bohemia, 1418-1437: Sources and Documents for the Hussite Crusades. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2002. [English translations of over 200 texts about the repression of the Hussites after the Council of Constance.]
Hus, Jan. De Ecclesia. Trans. David Schaff. New York: Scribners, 1915. [ De Ecclesia (5.6 mb)]
—. De Corpore Christi. Ed. Václav Flajšhans. Prague: Bursik, 1903.
—. De Sanguine Christi. Ed. Václav Flajšhans. Prague: Bursik, 1904.
—. Documenta Magistri Joannis Hus. Ed. František Palacký. Prague, 1869. [This seminal text in Hussite studies includes not only Hus’s letters, but also many other documents related to his trial, peers, and Bohemian religion. Documenta (14 mb)]
—. Epistolae quaedam piissimae & eruditissimae Iohannis Hus, quae solae satis declarant Papistarum pietates . . . . Ed. Martin Luther. Vitemberga [Wittenberg], 1537.
—. Exposition Decalogi. Ed. Václav Flajšhans. Prague: Bursik, 1903.
—. Exposition Decalogi. De corpore Christi. De sanguine Christi. Ed. Václav Flajšhans. Opera Omnia 1. Rpt. Osnabrück, Biblio-Verlag, 1966.
—. Historia et monumenta Joannis Hus atque Hieronymi Pragensis, confessorum Christi . . . . Nuremburg, 1715.
—. Joannis Hus et Hieronymi Pragensis Historia et monumenta . . . . Nuremburg, 1558.
—. Letters of John Huss, written during his exile and imprisonment, with Martin Luther’s Preface, and containing a general view of the works of Huss. Ed. Émile de Bonnechose. Trans. Campbell Mackenzie. Edinburgh: William Whyte, 1846. [This translates fewer of the letters than Workman, with less context as well. Letters of John Huss (2.4 mb)]
—. The Letters of John Hus. Intros. by H.B. Workman and R.M. Pope. London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1904. [Workman translates the letters as contained in Palacky, above. Letters of John Hus (4.7 mb)]
—. The Letters of John Hus. Trans. M. Spinka. Manchester: Manchester UP, 1972.
—. M. Jana Husa korespondence a dokumenty. Ed. V. Novotny. Prague, 1920.
—. Magisti Johannus Hus Opera Omnia. Ed. Václav Flajšhans and Marie Komínková. 4 vols. Prague: Vilmek, 1903-27.
—. Magistri Johannis Hus Tractatus Responsivus, ed. with a critical introduction and notes from the unique ms. cod. C. 116, Metropolitan Chapter Library, Prague. Ed. S. Harrison Thomson. Princeton: Princeton UP, 1927. Rpr. New York: AMS P, 1980.
—. Passio domini nostri Iesu Cristi. Ed. Anežka Schmidtová. Prague: Academia scientiarum bohemoslovaca, 1973.
—. Polemica. Ed. Jaroslav Eršil. Prague: Academia scientiarum bohemoslovaca, 1966.
—. Postilla. Ed. Václav Flajšhans. Prague, 1904.
—. Postilla Adumbrata. Ed. Amedeo Molnár. Prague: Academia scientiarum bohemoslovaca, 1975.
—. Posiciones, recommendaciones, sermones. Ed. Anežka Schmidtová. Prague: Academia scientiarum bohemoslovaca,, 1966.
—. Quaestiones. Ed. J. Kejr. Opera Omnia XIXa. Corpus Christianorum Continuatio Mediaevalis. Turnhout: Brepols, 2004.
—. Quodlibet. Ed. B. Ryba. Opera Omnia XX. Corpus Christianorum Continuatio Mediaevalis. Turnhout: Brepols, 2006.
—. A seasonable vindication of the supream authority and jurisdiction of Christian kings, lords, parliaments . . . . London, 1660.
—. Super IV Sententiarum. 3 vols (in one). Ed. Václav Flajšhans. Prague, 1904. [ Super IV Sententiarum (12.2 mb)]. Rpt. Osnabrück, Biblio-Verlag, 1966.
—. Sermones de Sanctis. Ed. Václav Flajšhans. Opera Omnia 3. Rpt. Osnabrück, Biblio-Verlag, 1966.
—. Sermones de tempore qui collecta dicuntur. Ed. Anežka Schmidtová. Prague, 1959.
—. Tractatus de Ecclesia. Ed. S. Harrison Thomson. Boulder: U of Colorado P, 1956.
Krofta, Kamil, ed. “Zur Geschichte der Husitischen Bewegung: Drei Bullen Papst Johanns XXIII aus dem Jahre 1414.” Mittheilungen des Instituts für Oesterreichische Geschichtsforschung 23 (1902): 598-610. Drei Bullen (>1 mb)]
Loserth, Johann, ed. “Beiträge zur Geschichte der husitischen Bewegung, 1: Codex Epistolaris des Erzbischofs von Prag Johann von Jenzenstein.” Archiv fur österreichische Akademie Wissenschaften 55 (1877): 265-400. [Loserth also published a number of studies that are included on the Bibliography of Secondary Sources. Beiträge 1 (2.1 mb)]
—, ed. “Beiträge zur Geschichte der husitischen Bewegung, 2: Der Magister Adalbertus Ranconis de Ericinio.” Archiv fur österreichische Akademie Wissenschaften 57 (1879): 203-76. [ Beiträge 2 (1.2 mb)]
—, ed. “Beiträge zur Geschichte der husitischen Bewegung, 3: Der Tractatus de longevo schismate des Abtes Ludolf von Sagan.” Archiv fur österreichische Akademie Wissenschaften 60 (1880): 343-561. [ Beiträge 3 (3.6 mb)]
—, ed. Wiclif and Hus. Trans. M.J. Evans. London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1884. [This seminal study contains an appendix in which Loserth edits a number of contemporary documents relevant to the study of Hus and the influence of Wycliffism in Bohemia. Wiclif and Hus (3.7 mb)]
—, ed. “Beiträge zur Geschichte der husitischen Bewegung, 4: Die Streitschriften und Unionsverhandlungen zwischen Katholiken und Husiten in den Jahren 1412 und 1413.” Archiv fur österreichische Akademie Wissenschaften 75 (1889): 287-413. Beiträge 4 (2.4 mb)]
—, ed. “Beiträge zur Geschichte der husitischen Bewegung, 5: Gleichzeitige Berichte und Actenstücke zur Ausbreigung des Wiclifismus in Böhmen und Mähren von 1410 bis 1419.” Archiv fur österreichische Akademie Wissenschaften 82 (1895): 327-418. [ Beiträge 5 (1.4 mb)]
Peter of Mladonovice. John Hus at the Council of Constance. Trans. M. Spinka. New York: Columbia UP, 1965.
Thomson, S. Harrison, ed. “Four Unpublished Questiones of John Hus.” Medievalia et Humanistica o.s. 7 (1952): 71-88.