A number of new texts, found primarily on Google books, have been added to the Primary and Secondary Sources. Most of these are nineteenth-century biographies on Wyclif or contemporary reviews of publications that are interesting as an antiquarian curiosities. More substantially, aside from volumes described in earlier posts (Netter and the Fasciculus Rerum), all of the volumes of the De Civili Dominio are now on the site. There are also–thanks to Stephen Lahey and work by his students for this–now links to an early print and a manuscript copy of the Trialogus.
What would be nice? I can’t find publicly available copies of these three important texts:
- Bale’s Scriptorum Illustrium Maioris Brytanniae,
- Lyndwood’s Provinciale (seu Constitutiones Angliae), or
- Wilkin’s Concilia Magnae Britanniae et Hiberniae.
One would think that they are (centuries) out of copyright, but for some reason Google doesn’t allow any view of them at all. Since they are rare but frequently cited reference works, digital copies would be a helpful resource. A few of Wyclif’s Latin works remain oddly out of view as well, notably the Opera Minora (especially helpful because some of the shorter tracts in it were translated), the De Mandatis Divinis, and the De Ente Librorum Duorum.
I’d expect to see more of these in the future as libraries digitize their collections: please send along a note if you know of any (that are free–Lyndwood and Bale, at least, can be downloaded in full from EEBO, but it’s a subscription database). A few, perhaps all, of Wilkins’ volumes seem to be available in paperback reprints on Amazon.
This fit of updates has passed–other obsessions need to take over!–but of course I will correct any errors that are sent my way, and please do continue to send along to any references, new or older, that should be listed.
Wilkins is available online as part of a subscription collection too, in Eighteenth Century Collections Online. Argh…