CFP: Reformation on the Record

A conference sponsored by The National Archives (UK) will be held Nov. 3-4, 2017, to mark the 500th anniversary of the beginning of the Protestant Reformation. The organizers, who welcome papers on lollardy, describe the conference as follows:

“The National Archives holds an enormous collection of public records that document the changes and continuities in governance of the Church and State in 15th, 16th and 17th century Britain and Ireland, and shed light on religious practices and popular piety. Many of these records have not been used extensively in the historiography and have the potential to offer deeper insight into this period.

It is our intention to create a network of scholars and postgraduates researching the Reformation using our documents, and to develop the profile of The National Archives as a hub for Reformation studies. The conference will form a key part of the network, bringing together current research on the Reformation and drawing on the holdings of The National Archives.”

Abstracts for papers are due April 30. Please see the cfp poster for more information.