This post is an appendix to two earlier posts: Recent Publications of Primary Sources, and also What’s a Good Introduction to Wycliffism?. Both of these provide new avenues to enter into the study of Wyclif and Wycliffite writings for a wide range of audiences.
The first is Stephen Lahey’s translation, published by Cambridge, of Wyclif’s Trialogus, one of his last works, a dialogue whose content summarizes his theological views shortly before his death, and whose invective captures his frustration.
The second is the soon-to-be-released Wycliffite Spirituality, an edition in the Classics of Western Spirituality series. This volume contains a wide range of texts; it is “a collection of modern English translations of Wycliffite texts and heresy trial records which disclose that, far from practicing a wholly negative Christianity, Wycliffites were as keenly interested in the spiritual life as many of their contemporaries.”