The University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL) announces a cluster hire in digital humanities: over the next three years the university intends to hire six tenure-line faculty members across a number of departments (and additional staff) to further propel this signature program. In the first phase of this effort, we seek promising candidates for tenure-track appointments at the Assistant Professor level. Initial interviews will be conducted at the Modern Language Association (MLA) and American Historical Association (AHA) conventions in January 2012. Candidates should be accomplished digital humanists able to contribute to a thriving interdisciplinary initiative and to the home department. Candidates must provide evidence of successful teaching and an active research agenda. PhD required by August 2012. The participating departments seek specialists who would contribute to the UNL’s research profile and teaching capacity in digital humanities. Candidates whose work focuses on comparative or transnational literatures, histories, and cultures are especially invited to apply.

Applicants should go to, requisition 110758 and complete the Faculty/Academic Administrative Information form and apply online. Applicants should be prepared to attach the following to their online application: a letter of application, a curriculum vita, and a PDF or a link to one representative sample of their digital work. Please do not send paper applications. Review of applications will begin November 1, 2011, and continue until suitable candidates are found. For further information contact Kenneth Price, chair, search committee at 402-472-0293 or kprice2[at]unl[dot]edu. The University of Nebraska has an active National Science Foundation ADVANCE gender equity program, and is committed to a pluralistic campus community through affirmative action, equal opportunity, work-life balance, and dual careers. Web sites:,