Two Calls for Papers are approaching rapidly: both are due December 1st. Both of them can be found in full on the Medieval Academy’s Conference Calendar.
1. John Gower in Iberia: Six Hundred Years, the Second International Congress of the John Gower Society, in Valladolid, Spain. Spain has been chosen as a site for Congress II in recognition of Gower’s unique transnational presence. The Confessio Amantis was the first English work Ever translated into Continental languages—first Portuguese, and then Castilian, both in the fifteenth century.
Call for papers: Scholars pursuing research in medieval studies, focusing on literary, philological, historical and/or cultural topics, and those with a special interest in the field of Anglo-Spanish relations or translation are encouraged to participate. Brief proposals (250 words max.) are invited for 20-minute papers addressing any aspect of Gowerian studies. Email the submission form below BOTH to the Organizing Committee (jgs[dot]valladolid2011[at]gmail[dot]com) and to RF Yeager (rfyeager[at]hotmail[dot]com).
2. The Allegory of Guillaume de Digulleville (Deguileville) in Europe: Circulation, Reception and Influence, a conference to be held at the Université de Lausanne, in Switzerland.
We invite proposals for papers on any aspect of the influence, circulation and reception of Digulleville’s allegories during the period 1330 to 1700. Papers might discuss subjects such as one of the many translations of Digulleville’s allegories, an aspect of the trilogy’s manuscript distribution, the adaptation of the trilogy texts into prose or printed versions, the trilogy’s influence on the visual arts, drama and literature of subsequent generations or the trilogy’s wider impact on the mentalities of the period concerned. Interdisciplinary approaches are particularly encouraged, as are studies of hitherto overlooked materials and new contexts for the reception of the work of Digulleville. Following the conference, the organisers will solicit essays based on selected conference papers for publication in a peer-reviewed collected volume. For more information, including a French call for papers announcement, please see the conference website.
Papers may be delivered in English or French and should be 20–25 minutes in length. To propose a paper, please submit an abstract of 250–500 words and a brief curriculum vitae with contact information by 1 December 2010. Please send submissions by e-mail with the subject line “Submission for Digulleville Conference” to the organisers ( marco[dot]nievergelt[at]unil[dot]ch; stephanie[dot]kamath[at]umb[dot]edu). The organisers also welcome news of relevant recent scholarship to post on the Digulleville resources page of the conference site.