Recent Publications in Lollard Studies

The following studies (a few, actually not so recent) have been added to the Bibliography of Secondary Sources over the past year or so. Please get in touch with to let us know of anything else which should be added. Aziz, Jeffrey H. “Of grace and gross bodies: Falstaff, Oldcastle, and the fires of reform.” …

Publications on Hussite Studies

The following studies have recently been added to the Bibliography of Secondary Sources. Please get in touch to let us know of recent publications! Baker, Robin. “The Hungarian-speaking Hussites of Moldavia and Two English Episodes in their History.” Central Europe 4.1 (May 2006): 3-24. [According to the abstract, “The article considers the origin of the …

Chaucer and Loll . . . Wycliffism

Two recent essays on Chaucer’s possible use of the Wycliffite Bible. Amanda Holton, in “Which Bible did Chaucer Use?: The Biblical Tragedies in the Monk’s Tale”, argues that Chaucer did not, at least for the Monk’s Tale, in part because current accepted dates for the completion of the Bible and the Tale mean that it …

Recent work in Philosophy and Theology

With several notable exceptions, Wyclif’s thought has usually been studied to define, interpret, or distinguish it from the work of his contemporaries or heretical followers. While this remains a frequent goal, studies over about the past half-decade indicate that scholars are attending to his philosophy apart from his heretical or proto-heretical doctrines on (for instance) …