
A new webpage, the Glossa Ordinaria, has been added as a sub-page to the Bibliography of Primary Sources. This contains .pdfs of a full copy of the Glossa, an edition printed in Venice in 1603. The advantage that this has over the version in the Patrologia Latina is that this has prologues by Hieronymous and the commentary of Nicolas of Lyra. Note that some of these are very big files. It’s a copy I found a while ago to use, and I reckoned that there was no good reason not to add it to the site in case it would make someone else’s life easier.

The only other updates to report is that on the primary sources page there are a few new texts, including the St. Alban’s chronicles as published in the Rolls Series (the several parts of vol. 28). There are some new nineteenth-century biographies of Wyclif on the Secondary sources page.

Enjoy. Please get in touch if there are problems with any of the files.